I - The Day We Met

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September 1st, 1987

          In mild terms, I couldn't express how joyful I felt at that moment

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In mild terms, I couldn't express how joyful I felt at that moment. Just as my parents did decades ago, I was standing, alongside both of them, on the Platform 9 ¾, waiting for the Hogwarts Express to arrive. I peered around to see countless parents standing next to their children, who all wore distinctive grimaces on their faces. Some seemed nervous, others felicitous but they all had excitement showing. Only after a few seconds, I heard a loud whistle and turned around to see a massive black train, stopping exactly where most people were waiting.

''Well, it's finally time... it's time to go, Sher,'' my mother said, smiling so brightly that almost all her teeth were visible. Her bright blue eyes were full of light and happiness. My father, on the other hand, resembled really impressive emotions and stood next to her, just looking at me.

''Remember all the things we said on the way here,'' my father added. Even though usually he was quite childish and humorous, he looked considerably serious. It seemed as my parents were more nervous about me leaving than I was.

''I'll write to you as much as I can... and try to include all the details, okay? I love you both very much,'' I conclusively said, looking at them both. My heart was pounding fast. I exchanged a few last words with them, hugged and kissed them for the last time, and turned around to see students getting on the train. I walked towards the massive train and glanced back to see my parents waving and smiling. I gave a wide smile back and stepped onto the train.

Immediately, I was stormed by different noises in the hallway. Older students exchanging their summer occurrences, prefects giving directions, and a bunch of first years unskillfully passing by and apologizing to everyone. There was something about this loudness was exciting yet scary. I kept walking in the hallway, waiting for the ''right'' compartment to enter. Most of them were already full or occupied by older couples and friend groups.

Finally, I had walked almost to the end of the train, so I looked into one of the compartment's window. There was a boy sitting in it, completely alone. He glanced up and our eyes met. He had these deep brown eyes, just like mine, but a bit darker. His hair was quite short and dark brown, his smile was warm and welcoming so I opened the door.

''Hi, do you mind if I join you?'' I asked politely and gave a small smile. He immediately smiled back and spoke in an accent I wasn't expecting.

''Hello!'' the boy said in a strong Scottish accent. I come from Sheffield, England and as I've been told, I just sound generic. ''Of course, I'd be glad to be accompanied by someone.''

''Good, thank you,'' I said and closed the door behind me. The boy stood up and helped me put my luggage away. Then I sat on the opposite seat, facing him directly. ''My name is Sherlyn, nice to meet you,'' He looked into my eyes, giving me a pleasant overall look, and spoke again.

''I'm Oliver Wood, it's wonderful to meet you, Sherlyn...''

We exchanged looks and I looked out the window. It was a sunny and warm day, I knew we had a lot of time to spare so I decided to be the friendliest I can. My parents often said I struggle with befriending people, I often come across as cold and mysterious.

''It's such a lovely day outside,'' I said, gazing at him and fidgeting with my clothes a bit. I was wearing a white blouse, with a dark brown skirt and nicely cleaned black shoes. My mum made me wear presentable clothes, as she liked to say. Usually, when I was running outside, I liked to wear overalls and sneakers, so this was not common for me.

''Couldn't agree more...'' Oliver answered and looked out the window and then back at me. ''Sorry, but did you say your name was Foster? I think I've heard that name somewhere before actually.''

''Yes. Might be because my father is Nolan Foster. He works in the Ministry of Magic,'' I replied.

''Right!'' Oliver remembered as his brown eyes lit up and a bewildered smile showed. ''Was it the Department of Magical Games and Sports?'' he asked.

''Yes, I'm quite impressed you know the full name of that department. Even I sometimes struggle to remember it,'' I told and laughed a bit. He gave a quiet chuckle and sat deeper on the seat.

''I'm very interested in that particular one... and I absolutely love Quidditch... it's probably one of the main reasons I'm so thrilled to go to Hogwarts. I can't wait to play one day on the team, just be out in the field, fly on my broom, and just play for my team.'' Oliver explained and I nodded. I understood what he was talking about. My father had taught me the rules of the game many years ago.

''My father expects me to be good at Quidditch and hopefully, I won't disappoint him. Are your parents wizards as well?'' I asked and sat deeper in my seat, making myself more comfortable for the long way.

''Yes, both of them went to Hogwarts and expect quite great things from me as well. Sometimes I think they'd like to attend Hogwarts for the second time,'' he responded and smiled. ''Do you have any house preferences?''

''Honestly, no...'' I quickly answered but clarified that I did have some things to add. ''well, my mother was in Hufflepuff and my father was a... a Slytherin... and I don't know what to expect now. I'll be happy to get sorted anywhere.'' I knew Slytherins had a bad reputation among the other houses so I was a bit nervous about getting sorted there. Mostly I just hated seeing everyone's reaction about it. Even though I'm an independent person, I still valued the beliefs of others.

''From what I've heard from my parents and other relatives, I'll be in Gryffindor,'' Oliver added. ''Of course, it doesn't really matter, but they keep talking about how competitiveness and bravery show in my everyday life,'' he explained and blushed.

''Hopefully, then we'll be both sorted there because my parents can't stop talking about my ambitions and constant will to prove myself worthy to everyone,'' I replied and looked down. That might have sounded a bit too confident and cool.

''I hope so too, Sherlyn, because I wouldn't want to play against you, honestly...'' Oliver added and looked at me again. From what I had known about him from a few minutes of chattering, he seemed like a genuine person. I found something very comforting in his face, that look of trust. But of course, our hope lasted only a few more hours.

Hi, reader! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my new story! I'm planning on updating quite frequently. COPPER BOOM! ❀

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