The Final Mission

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Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays! Here's a new chapter!

The darkness remained for hours. No one entered the car, and I couldn't tell if there was someone in here with me. I was antsy, and to be quite honest, a bit scared. Not that I'd ever admit that to anyone.

I wasn't worried about what they would do to me when we arrived, but I was afraid of what Steve would do. He loved too fiercely and would let it go to his head and lose sight of the bigger picture.

The world could not fall to Hydra's control. No matter what happened to me, he had to see this through. I'd manage.

Finally, someone dragged me from the car and out into the light. I didn't dare fight back. There were soldiers everywhere. Thousands of them, and I was willing to bet most of them had high powered weapons made from the Tesseract. And I knew I'd last all of two seconds against them.

"Hello, Romanova," Red Skull bowed dramatically as I was pulled into a command room. "I had heard we'd captured a spider of sorts. Such fun you and I will have taking over the world."

I spat at him. He brushed it off with a glare. "You can fuck yourself for all I care, asshole."

"It seems your time in the dark did not help that attitude of yours," he smiled. "I suppose I can remedy that. Take her away and do what you will. I'll come to you shortly, but at present, I have bigger fish to fry."

Oh, I kicked at the soldiers who pulled me away. I shattered one's nose and likely castrated another, but despite my attempts to get loose and kill the head of Hydra, I was thrown into another dark room, with my worst nightmare.

"Hello, little wife."

I was with him for a week. He used me, he beat me, he manipulated me. But I never gave in to what he wanted. I rarely screamed, content to keep him angry for not getting what he wanted.

Red Skull came in once a day for a report, but the answer was always the same. I gave him nothing. He'd lost my respect the moment he first laid a hand on me and called me weaker than him. But, could he hold up under torture and interrogation?

I wanted to find out. But I doubted I ever would.

I prayed to whatever god would listen that Steve would do what needed to be done. That he would forget about me and save the world from Hydra's grasp. He had a heart of gold that I wanted to protect. Even if it meant I would be beaten to death. I'd do whatever it took to save him.

The door opened and bright light filled the room. I shied away from it, closing my eyes as if that would make it disappear.

"It seems the Captain has finally arrived," Red Skull grinned. "Shall we go out to meet him?"

I snarled and growled, lashing out as best I could at the demon that dragged me through the barren halls. Soldiers ran in multiple directions as we passed the main floor. I winced as he jerked me forward into the control room.

Things had changed in here from a week ago. Not that I should have been surprised. Even locked up as I was, I could hear the rumble that never seemed to stop in this large place.

Another set of hands took hold of me and I flinched as his face came into view. Alexei bared his teeth in an attempt at a smile. I sneered at him and chuckled as his hand whipped across my jaw. I was pretty sure it was broken.

I hadn't eaten in a week either. I felt drained, but I stood still as Steve broke through the glass overlooking the mountains. His eyes immediately met mine and his jaw clenched as he took in the wounds covering my body and who held me tightly.

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