First Official S.H.I.E.L.D. Mission

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I made sure I was ten minutes early this time. Just to be on the safe side. Surprisingly, Natasha wasn't there yet. Fury and several another agents were. Was this some sort of big mission? I didn't think I was ready for that yet.

Seven rolled around, and still, she did not show. Was something wrong?

"Let's begin," Fury announced, passing out several manila folders.

The door slammed open as we began discussing everything, revealing an extremely pissed off spy. Every agent in the room seemed to shift away from her except for Fury and myself. The source of her anger appeared behind her. Sharon. Who also appeared furious over something.

"Glad you two could join us," Fury growled. "Sit."

Sharon sat on one side of me and Natasha sat on the other, directly next to Fury. The tension between the two women was uncomfortable. I tried not to let it bother me, focusing on what Fury discussed, but I couldn't help but glance at either of them from time to time.

At the end of the meeting, he dismissed most of the agents, but ordered the three of us to stay. Another female slipped from the shadows and slid into a chair on Fury's opposite side. She had brown hair and calculating blue eyes. Agent Hill, perhaps?

"I'm tired of whatever the hell is going on between you two," Fury spoke. Why was I in here for this conversation? "Carter, until you are promoted to level 5, you cannot strike out on your own. It's for your own safety."

"She'll never let me get to level 5," she complained. "I've been stuck at level 4 for two years. She just doesn't like me."

Natasha snorted and leaned back in the chair with her arms crossed over her chest. I was sure that was part of it.

"Agent Hill will be taking over control of selecting agents and passing them." Natasha rolled her eyes, but said nothing. "Do not expect anything to slacken without Agent Romanoff present."

"Yes, Sir," Sharon answered.

"Now get out."

She scurried from the room, though she seemed a bit happier than when she walked in.

"Now, as for you two," he continued. "You are going to start partnering on missions. They'll start off simple, so Captain Rogers can learn the life of a spy."

"Sir, I'm really not a spy," I interjected. "I've never been good at that type of thing."

"You've got potential," Hill replied. "Just follow Romanoff's lead and it will go smoothly."

They dismissed us and we headed to the training room. She seemed as if she could let off some steam, so I pulled her into the ring. I noticed Sharon was working with another agent, but paid her no heed. Natasha was my focus now.

She launched at me faster than I could anticipate and roughly pulled me to the ground. I groaned as she nearly pulled my shoulder from its socket.

"Geez, easy Nat," I grumbled as she let me up, not realizing I'd let the nickname slip.

She glared at me, but let me attack first, though it turned out to be of little use. She still put me on the ground. Had she really been holding back in training? Or was I just having a bad day?

I let those thoughts drift from my mind and focused solely on her.

She put me down several more times before I finally managed to pin her to the mat. I locked her arms above her head with one hand and pinned her hips down with mine. She struggled underneath me, but I held firm. She was not getting loose this time.

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