Wild Return

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A/N: Hey guys! Once again, it's been a while. Super sorry about that. I started a new job and seem to work almost every day, but I have not forgotten about this story. So thankful I can finally get this next chapter out and will be continuing to work on this story as much as I can.

BTW, the Black Widow Final Trailer is freaking EPIC!! I cannot wait for the movie to come out. 

My eyes flutter open and a groan slips through my lips.


I squint as my eyes adjust, quickly looking at my surroundings. It was still dark, but I was cold, my body shivering in response.

"Steve, where are we?"

"I had to stop as soon as I could," he says, a hint of worry in his tone. "You'd passed out and I was afraid you were going to die after saving me. I couldn't let you do that. I've done what I can for your injuries, but you're going to be off your feet for a while."

I groan in response. Shit my body hurt.

"The bike rolled over you a few times I think, based on your injuries."

"That would explain why I feel like I've been hit by a train," I smirk. "Seriously though, where are we?"

"From what I can tell, a couple days away from the base. You travelled pretty far."

"Well, I couldn't leave you in their hands now could I?" My eyes shone with mischief, despite the pain I felt.

He kisses my forehead and shifts the truck back into gear, pulling out onto the dark road. My mind went blank as I registered what just happened. He'd kissed my forehead. It confused me and left me feeling out of control.

We sit in silence for a while before I look over to see him struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Pull over, I'll drive for a bit."

"I'm fine," he replies stubbornly.

"I will move you myself. Pull over."

"You're in no shape to drive, let alone move. I'm not—"

I'm in his seat before he can say anything else, continuing our drive.

"Go to sleep. I'll wake you in a few hours. We'll be fine. I'm on a road now, so we're not going to die."

I wouldn't tell him how much pain I was actually in. He didn't need to know that.

He relents, seeing I wouldn't budge from my new position, and soon, his breaths even out, allowing me to let my pain take over for a bit.

As the sky began to lighten, I found we were actually much closer to the base than he realized. The drug must still be in his system. Within a couple hours, we should be back.

The pain coursing through my body was enough to pull me back under, but I fought against it. I wanted him back as soon as possible. They needed him.

I pull us over about a half mile from the outskirts of the base. The truck might be targeted considering who it belonged to.

"Steve," I say softly, shaking his shoulders.

"Is it my turn to drive?" He mumbles, opening his eyes.

"We're here," I reply with a soft smile.

"What?" He's up faster than a bullet. "We can't be."

"I think you'd been through a lot. They kept you on a closer base. Another smart move on their part. A large one we didn't know about yet. But we know it now. It was still roughly 150 miles away. Now come on, we've got a ways to walk."

Black Widow: An Origin StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz