We're so Going to be in Trouble

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Two weeks later, Steve and I are shipped overseas for tours in Europe. These tours were only done because we had gained popularity around the world. Senator Brandt and several others were thrilled with that particular turn of events. Every show was full. People lined the theatre after, hoping to catch a glimpse of either of us. I hated every moment of it. I was never one for spotlight and it became worse after every performance.

Between shows in larger cities, we were sent to camps to perform for the soldiers. Senator Brandt thought it would boost their morale. The girls sure did. I felt sorry for Steve whenever he had to go out on stage. I decided to improvise at one of the shows and give him a kiss on the cheek, causing a few of the boys to whistle. Serves them right for treating him roughly. He was only doing what he was told, much like they were.

We were finally sent to the camp where Colonel Phillips and Agent Carter were located. The men looked rougher than most and I could tell they didn't want to be present for the show.

They cheered loudly for the girls, most hoping they could get a closer look at them later. I waited for my entrance backstage and listened to the men boo and hiss at Steve. It made my blood boil, but I could understand where they were coming from.

I decided to move out onto the stage a bit early and improvise once again. There was no need to run with the lines we'd been given.

The men cheer heavily as I strut to center stage. I could handle them, draw their attention away from Steve as he struggled to deliver his lines.

"I've got this one," I whisper softly, placing my hand on his shoulder. "But I could use some help."

"Wait, you're improvising this one?" He asks nervously.

"Trust me. Unless you want the fruits and vegetables they have with them thrown at you?"

He gives me a nervous smile. "What do I do?"

"Catch me."

I quickly move back a couple steps before launching into the air. He barely has time to drop his shield before his hands catch me around my waist, holding me above his head.

The men cheer loudly.

"Pick up your shield and then spin me."

He carefully picks it up and I shift positions, keeping the boys on their toes.

"Now, put me down. I want you to take my hands."

He does as I say.

"You trust me?"

He nods.

"Good. Don't drop me."

He's goes to ask what I mean by that when I jump, landing in a perfect handstand, the skirt falling and revealing the very short undergarments I had on. Not that I cared. It was better me than him.

He raises me over his head and I move my body around, never missing a beat. I was secure in his hold. Perfectly balanced. I remove my right hand from his left, a worried look crossing his features, so I squeeze his right hand gently, letting him know I was alright.

We held that pose for a few moments before I whispered down for him to open his hand. I flipped off his hand and landed perfectly on the stage floor.

The men were on their feet and applauding heavily. I smirk at Steve, turning around and leaving the stage with a wink. He was quick to follow.

We parted ways after that. When I went to look for him, I was surprised at what I found.

"I never knew you drew," I observe, curious to know more about it.

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