Leveling Up

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"Agent Romanoff has been keeping me updated with your progress, Captain Rogers," Fury commented as he led me through a level of S.H.I.E.L.D. I hadn't been to yet. I hoped it was good news. "She seems to believe you're ready to move up to Level 4. Not that I'm surprised about that, given your file, but your still off missions until I give the say so. You will begin mission training tomorrow so you'll be ready once you're allowed on them."

"Thank you, Sir," I told him.

"Don't thank me," he answered gruffly. "Romanoff's the one with the choice."

"If you don't mind me asking, Sir. But why does she get to choose?"

He looked down at his hands as they rested along the railing of the upper landing of the extremely large basement. "She's tough, yes, but knows how to push people to their limit and keep them from crumbling. Agent Hill is the only agent over her and has the official final say, though, they tend to agree on most things in that regard."

Well, that sort of answered that, I supposed.

He left with a brief goodbye and I looked out around the cavernous room. It housed large plane-like machines that swamped the size of the Valkyrie I'd crashed seventy years ago. I didn't think I'd ever want to be on one of these.

I had the rest of the day off, so I decided to wander off into the city. I hadn't been yet, both a bit afraid and busy to mess with it.

There were still similarities from the 40s, but it was a blur. There were so many lights, so many sounds. It was hard for me to concentrate.

I was an artist, but I needed something to focus on. In the depth of the city, there was too much and it was overwhelming. I'd already had several people muttering angry curses at me. Not to mention, people chasing me, begging to me to follow them to buy whatever it was they were selling.

"I wouldn't recommend following them, no matter how annoying they get."

"Hi, Sharon," I greeted nicely. "What are you doing out?"

"Despite what you might believe, I do have another place in the city," she said with a chuckle. "But that's not the point. I'm scouting for my next mission."


"God, I wish," she grumbled. "No. Romanoff won't allow it."

"I could talk to her about it. See if she'd allow you to try it. Is it a hard mission?"

She shook her head. "No. Not really. I have three days to complete it, but I could manage it in one if I didn't have a team following me."

I thought about it. Natasha would be pissed if I asked her about it, but what was the harm in letting her try one by herself? She always did well in training. And most agents seemed to get along with her.

I was beginning to wonder if it was indeed Natasha just keeping her down. Not that I'd ask Fury. Or Hill for that matter. I still hadn't met her. Apparently she's been on a mission or something.

We walked together for a while and she pointed out different places that had great takeout or places to get good clothes at a cheaper price than the very overpriced name brand attire.

Not that I had anything to worry about when it came to money. I had more than I'd ever know what to do with. I'd probably give most of it away.

We parted ways after a couple hours. She continued to scout the city while I headed back to S.H.I.E.L.D. I'd had enough of the city for one day. I'd get brave sooner next time and try to remember everything she'd said so I could take roughly the same path.

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