Into the Army

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Trying to register for the Army was harder than it looked. No one wanted a female in their ranks, not in the way I needed to be. There was only one female agent I'd heard of, her name, Margaret Carter.

I had a week to get in, and that deadline was closing in.

I gave it one last shot during the World Fair. It was a crowded place, though with everything it offered, I wasn't surprised, and some of what it had to offer intrigued me. I hadn't seen anything like this, but I stuck to my mission, just as I was trained to do.

I was heading towards the registration center when I bumped into someone, or they bumped into me, I'm not sure which.

"Watch where you're going," I say a bit gruffly.

"I'm so sorry, ma'am," a man says, turning to me, his eyes widening and jaw hanging open slightly. "Please, forgive me. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

I looked him over. He was quite small, a little shorter than me, and skinnier. Blonde hair, blue eyes. He was nervous, and quite sincere in his apology.

"All is forgiven," I tell him. "Just next time, keep an eye on your surroundings."

"I will. Thank you," he says softly.

I disappear before he has time to say anything else. I had a mission to finish.

I had a feeling that wouldn't be the last time I'd see him.

When one of the doctor's finally saw me, he turned out to be German. Dr. Erskine. He was a nice man and offered me a chance. He told me to wait for a few moments while he went to get someone. So I sat patiently, looking around for escape routes, just in case.

When he returned, it was with a woman.

"Ms. Matthers, I'd like for you to meet Agent Carter."

So, this was the famous Agent Carter.

I held out my hand to shake hers.

"Laura Matthers, former MI6," I say. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

I looked her over as I shook her hand. Curly brown hair, brown eyes, full red lips, curvy body. She was the kind of woman men looked for.

"Firm grip," she replies. "That'll be good for where you're going."

I raise my eyebrows in question.

"You'll be joining the Army as my assistant. We'll be training soldiers in preparation for Project Rebirth, which is a top secret mission. Can I count on you to keep it that way?"

"Yes ma'am," I say in reply. "It would be an honor to serve such a great cause."

Agent Carter looks to the doctor. "I'll take her with me. We'll need to discuss several things before we leave in the morning."

"That would be wise," Dr. Erskine replies with a nod. "Congratulations, Ms. Matthers. I'll see the both of you tomorrow at the camp."

"Thank you," I tell the doctor as we leave.

We walk in silence for a few moments before she speaks up.

"So, former MI6?" she asks. "What did you do there?"

"I was more of a glorified secretary, though they did allow me to train. Not to the extent of the men of course, but I can take someone down if I need to."

"I'm sure you could," she replies with a chuckle. "These men are not going to go easy on you. They'll be trying to do everything they can to get you to like them, but you have to keep a level head. They don't believe we can take what they can, but I believe we can handle our own."

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