Dinner or hell

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After an hour everyone was dry and changed. So they made their way to the elevator. While on the elevator Peter was thinking about how lucky he was to have made it almost a full day without anyone finding out about Tony and him or that he was Spider-Man. Then he heard the door ding and that brought him back to reality. Everyone for off. Peter was last to get off so he could collect himself a little bit. When he got off he followed everyone to the living room. Smelling the most beautiful smell in the world. His uncle Steve's pasta yummy was all he could think. He sat down on the couch next to ned and mj. As he was getting comfortable. He heard people walk in. It was his aunt Nat followed by his uncle's Clint and Bruce. But no Tony wierd he thought. "Alright we are going to vote for a movie to watch after dinner." Everyone was cheering very loud. "Ok action,sad,romance,or horror"Nat said. Oh god not horror was all I could think. " ok hands up for action 7 raised their hands sad 0 raised their hands romance 5 raised their hands horror 8 raised their hands. Alrighty than horror it is" she said smirking at me knowing how much I hate horror. Oh shut I'm in for it. He hated horror. He may have fought horrifying things every night but he still hated the movies. They scared him shitless. So duck this he thought. "Dinner is ready I made enough to feed 4 small armys" Steve came in satin I just laughed and followed everyone to the dinning room. They had put an extra table there for his class so he started to walk towards it. "Pete aren't you going to come sit with us where you always sit?" I heard my uncle Scott ask. That was cruel he just pulled a move that I didn't like. I turn to see all the advengers looking me asking silently for me to join. Still no Tony though which I found odd. With all them looking I couldn't say no. So I walked over took my normal spot next to auntie Tasha and Tony who still hadn't shown up.

Time skip- everyone is served

It has been 10 minutes since everyone has been served and still no Tony it made me sad. I couldn't even focus on what was being said to me. I wondered where he was until I heard is that Tony stark oh my god he is so hot. Tony however just kept walking right to his seat next to mine his plate was already served so he started eating after whispering "hey baby boy sorry I'm late I lost track of time" I look over to notice his outfit a tight black acdc shirt and jeans. His casual clothes. It took all of me not to miss him right then and there. I was pulled out of my trance when I heard my aunt Wanda ask a question "Pete are staying up here tonight or with your class?" "I haven't decided yet" I respond and that's when I hear flash "oh my God penis you can stop now how much did you pay them? They don't know a good for nothing person like you." I sigh and go back to eating when I notice Steve looking muderous yes my good down to earth uncle wants to kill someone my aunt Nat has her knife in her hand and is twirling it my uncle Scott is glaring with everything he has. Tony looks at him and says "I suggest you change how you talk to him or you will have  very angry advengers on your door step. Also he is not nothing he is smart kind loving loyal a part of our family more of a person than you will ever be" I look at Tony and hug him to everyone it looks like I'm thanking him when in reality my touch is the only thing keeping him from killing a teenager

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