Lunch Fiasco

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After Aunt Nat threanted Flash the day was goidmng great he left me alone. I felt great. "Alright time to go to the cafeteria for some lunch than we have a suprise." the class erupted into cheers and I couldn't help but feel a little happy myself. When we get to the cafeteria I grab my food and sit down next to Ned and mj. "Hey loser." " hey mj." I look at my food and notice something. Ned and mj are sitting really close and touching knees. I laugh. "What peter" "if you don't want people to figure out you are together don't sit that close." they both blush and mj says " what if we don't care it's not a big deal." "ok " I say and eat my food. When I hear two famliar voices. Oh this us fucking great. " Peter help." I hear uncle Thor say. " why do you need my help uncle thor?" " loki is gonna kill me" " well what did you do?"  " Why must you always take his side you are my favorite midgardian." " Uncle Thor as much as I love you I just love Loki more." I hear auntie Nat laughing because this is a reacurring thing for us. " What betrayal is what I call this" Me and Loki laugh." Uncle Thor how many times do I have to tell you uncle Loki is just cooler." I said and Loki and me start busting out laughing and doing our handshake. I almost forgot that my class was there almost. "How the fuck does he know you he's just Peter parker the orphan." Loki lost it. " He is not just Peter parker he is smart and me a better person than you will ever be." Loki lunged foward Nat didn't stop him she was gonna help. The only person that has there head on straight was thor. He got up and stepped in between Nat and Thor and flash. He called down Nat and pulled Loki out by his ear. Little did he know he had one other fire to put out.

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