The announcement

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Peter was sitting in the back of science class only partly listening, when he felt something hit him in the back of the head. He turned to see flash grinning like an idiot. "Hey Parker are you ready to have your secrets exposed?" Peter was confused so he turned and looked out the window some more.

Time skip- end of class

As Peter was walking out Ned stopped him" I'm so excited to met Tony fucking Stark dude. You have to show me everything when we get there." Peter looks to Ned and scream whispers"what the hell are you talking about?"Ned grins and replies with" were you listening tomorrow we are going to advengers tower for a field trip duh and for the whole weekend too aren't you excited?." Peter ran down the hall as fast as he could. He was not excited. He was worried of what might happen soending 3 days at advengers tower.This was not good at all. Going to his second home for a field trip was a nightmare. They were gonna embarrass him so bad. Why me he thought.

Time skip- At home

Peter was thinking of what to do about tomorrow when his phone buzzed. It was Tony.

Tony- Hey baby boy how was your day?

Peter- it was fine

Tony- that sounded convincing anyway I can't wait for tomorrow

Peter- what's tomorrow

Tony-your field trip of course

Peter- you did this didn't you

Tony- I did no such thing

Peter- goodnight Tony

Tony- night I love you

Peter was so confused how could Tony do something like that. He put him at risk of everyone finding out his most hidden secrets. All he could do was hope tomarrow would be better. Peter could of never prepared himself for what came the next day no matter how much he tried.

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