Chapter 60: Fuyuki City

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While Ritsuka's group is preparing to leave for the Kingdom of Alessandra....
Emiya's group finally arrives at Fuyuki city. The city that was once the place where the Holy Grail War took place, which was won by Marisbury Animusphere and his Servant, Solomon. It is also the city which was once home to Emiya....

" looks pretty normal and peaceful here," Jeanne Alter said, "We always see it up in flames so it feels kinda...different,"
"Of course it'll be different, the place isn't in ruins or swallowed up in flames!" Cu said,
"Fuyuki, Huh?...I believe my Archers self are the ones whom have experience in this city," Caster Gilgamesh said,

"So, what do you think, Archer?" Artoria asked Emiya who is gazing at the familiar, but foreign city...
"What do you mean, Saber?" Emiya asked, his eyes are still gazing at the scene of the city,
" is your home, and we usually see it in flames from the Singularity. So I thought that you might feel...happy?" Artoria said,

"I don't really feel...happy. Just...nostalgic, perhaps?" Emiya said, "Haaa...anyway, we should get going. We don't want to waste too much time here,"
"Of course, but....are you sure you don't want to cover yourself up? People might recognize you," Artoria said,

"It's fine, I guess...? Did you think of me as that guy when I manifested?" Emiya asked with a smile,
"Erhm, okay fine...let's get going," Artoria said with a blush,
And so, the group makes their way through the city toward the Emiya Residence, where they could possibly find answers.

On the way, the group went through the shopping district, Mount Miyama. Emiya walks around the district with eyes filled with nostalgia as well...though he doesn't remember much about it, it still feels familiar to him...walking through the streets.

"Archer...can we have that...?" Artoria said as she slightly pulls at Emiya's sleeve,
"Huh? What is it...?" Emiya looks at what Artoria is pointing at, and he can't help but feel a twitch at the edge of his eye,
"Thank you...Archer, it's delicious," Artoria said as she happily munch on the crepe that they have bought, other than that....there are some other snacks that Artoria is carrying in her arms. From sweets to savory snacks are huddled up in her arms...

"Still can't believe that you and that ice bitch queen can eat that many...," Jeanne Alter said with a wry look on her face. She only bought one of the crepes and some karaage.
"Heh! Her stomach is an endless pit," Cu said as he bites into one of the corndogs he bought,

"Hmmm, these are quite good...and they're sold at a cheap price," Caster Gilgamesh said as he bites into the menchikatsu, he also bought the same crepe Artoria bought.

"Are you satisfied with only those? Do you want anything else?" Emiya asked Artoria,
"No, I should apologize...because of me, we ended up spending quite an amount of time here...," Artoria said with a shy expression,
"No, it's okay...we haven't been able to enjoy ourselves during this journey. Might as well take our time," Emiya said,
"Now then, let's get going," Emiya said,
The group walks through the streets....until they finally reach their destination. A very familiar and memorable old and big japanese looking house....

"......I'm finally here, huh...," Emiya said under his breath,
"It still appears the same....," Artoria said, a fond smile appears on her face...

"Hou, the place looks pretty well maintained." Gilgamesh said,
"Which means someone must be living here," Jeanne said,
"Maybe we'll meet yourself here!" Cu said with a smirk patting Emiya's shoulder,

"Who knows.....only one way to find out," Emiya said, but he did not move....

"Go ahead and knock," Emiya said as he nudge at Cu,
". . .HAH!? Why me?" Cu asked,
"Because, if I'm the one that appears before the door...don't you think that it'll be...complicated?" Emiya said with a wry look on his face,

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