Chapter 11: The Strange Person

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Ritsuka is in the middle of walking through the village, she had just finished shopping for food.

That is when she sees the large group of adventurers gathering around the inn. It seems they're about to set out into the forest once again. She was just about to leave when her path is blocked by two guys.

"Hey there cutie," One of the guys said,
"Is there something you need?" She asked,

"No, it's just that I can't help but admire your cuteness. So how about it? Wanna hang out with us?"
"Sorry, but I have some things to do. Good luck on your adventure," Ritsuka was just about to leave, when the guy grabbed her sleeve, and the content of her basket falls to the ground...

"Now hold it right...there....,"

With the sleeve pulled, Ritsuka's jacket slowly falls down from her shoulder...exposing her amputated arm and some scars...
"Urgh...! That's sick...!" The guy said with disgust,

"What a creepy b*tch...! Let's just go,"

Some of the adventurers nearby saw the commotion and they see Ritsuka's condition, however non shows any signs of helping her, but they also have the same kind of look as the guys...and they all immediately left the scene.

Ritsuka can only sigh as she picks up the fallen ingredients...that is when she felt something covering her shoulders.
She looks up to find a guy...!

"U-Um excuse me...?"

But the guy just stayed silent as he crouch down and helps her put all of the ingredients in the basket.
"Here," The guy curtly said,

"T-thanks...y-you don't really need to help me...," Ritsuka said, "Oh! Let me give you this!"

"Don't need anything, just get going already," The guy was about to leave when Ritsuka pulls at his sleeve,

"Good deeds needs to be repaid! So I'm repaying you for helping me! Here!" Ritsuka shoved a bag onto his chest which the guy awkwardly caught,

"Those cookies and cake are good, make sure you eat them alright. Thank you again for your help," Ritsuka said, "Oh and, you're going into the forest right?"

"Y-Yeah...," The guy answered,

"Then be careful okay! Make sure you come back safe and sound!" Ritsuka waves at him with a smile and she walks back towards the house,

The guy looks down at the bag in his hand, he opens it and a sweet aroma immediately enters his nose. It's also warm a sign that it just came out of the oven....he takes a bite at one....
"It's actually pretty good...," He said,

Leonard is in the middle of interrogating the strange young man. They're both sitting at the dining table face to face.
"So care to tell me what I should call you,"

"You can call me Vin,"

"I'm not sure it's your real name or not, but I can accept that. In the end, Vin...should I be wary of you?" Leonard ask with a frown,
"I can assure you that I have no evil attentions towards you or that girl," Vin said,

"....Is that so?" Leonard said,

"However, I'm quite surprised honestly...a half-Demon is quite a rare thing to encounter," Vin said with a knowing smile,
"HMPH!" Leonard suddenly lets out a dangerous and suppressing force,

The force coming from his body causes the house to shake...but Vin doesn't seem to be fazed in the slightest.

"Please calm yourself, it was a slip of the tongue in my part," Vin said,
"I'm starting to doubt your 'intentions', Vin," Leonard glares,

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