Chapter 58: Payback

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Mash and Hugh finally finds the other knights and guards!

Gerald and Lorenzo are both with the captain of the guards!
"Old man!" Hugh called out,

"Mash! Hugh! Is everyone okay? Where's Ayden and Ritsuka?" Gerald asked,
"Ritsuka is fine, she's already outside...but Ayden is still in there fighting...Julian," Hugh said,
"Wha—!.....Julian!? Am I hearing this right!?" Gerald asked with a shocked look,

Hugh explains to him that Julian is being possessed by a demon that was summoned by Julian's mother. It wants to complete a contract which is to exact revenge against the royal family...!
"Okay okay...I get it....I still feel overwhelmed that my brother married such a shady woman!" Gerald said,

"Look you can complain about that later! Right now, we need to look for any suspicious
magic circles around the palace. It's what's keeping the monster coming!" Hugh said,
"Alright," Gerald nodded,

The guards are divided into groups and they'll be accompanied by some of the palace mages to search for the suspicious magic circles. Mash and Hugh also joins the search...

Hugh wanted to return to help Ayden, but before he left...Ayden shot him a glare that tells him that he wanted to do this alone...
Mash was able to convince him that Rama and Gil can both handle themselves...

Gerald sent Lorenzo to look at Ritsuka and the people who are with her....

"HAAAA!" Rama swings his sword and finally the demon is cut down!
"Phew...that was quite an exercise!" Rama said,

"YAAH!" Gil lands the final blow against the demon he is facing, and it disappears into dark smoke,
"I'm also done over here," Gil said,

"Well done, young King of Heroes," Rama nodded,
"Hehe! It's been awhile since we've last fought I decided to take things slow. It should've been easy for us dealing with those two demons and the other monsters,'s fine to have a little fun for a little right?" Gil said with a smile,

"Yes, I'm sure Master is fine with it since non of the guards have died after we arrive," Rama said as he looks around. The remaining guards are safe and sound, and they seem to have fallen unconscious...
"But still, an incubus huh...? The one we know is Merlin, but can Incubus actually possess humans?" Rama wondered,

"Well, there are many thoughts regarding incubus...but this is another different world maybe everything works differently from ours...," Gil said,

They watch as the fight between Ayden and Julian unfolds....
"Now then, what should we do about those two?" Gil said,

Ayden is still locked in a fight against Julian...both seem to have suffered wounds and cuts on both of their bodies...
"I believe we shouldn't interfere...," Rama said, "After all, this is a fight between brothers....although the brother is being possessed by the demon,"

"Well.... I think we should let that guy handle his own brother, they seem to have some issues to let's go and deal with the other monsters," Gil said,
"Agreed, then we'll return to Master's side,"

Both Rama and Gil then leaves the throne room to hunt the other monsters...but before they go, they pull the unconscious guards to a corner to keep them away from the fight...

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