Chapter 6: Training and Magic

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A week later,

Ritsuka has start her days every morning by swinging her sword one hundred times. Her hands have started to grow numb, but with every day she spent on swinging her sword...she begins to have more stamina and power.

Not only that, today....

"Follow me, I'm going to take you somewhere," Leonard said,
While in the middle of her usual swinging session, Leonard told her to follow him.

However, she was shocked to find something that wasn't here last night!
There is a tall mountain!

Now she sees that Leonard is really capable of changing the topography!

"Let's go," Leonard said,

Ritsuka follows him up to the mountain, she was taken up quite high, until Leonard stops. The surrounding mountain is filled with mist and fog.
"Now, try to descend this mountain by tomorrow's sunrise. I will be waiting," Leonard said, and he suddenly disappears.

"Huh? Climb down?.....why do I have a feeling that I've seen this situation before? Ahh! No time to think! I'm sure he's testing my speed, this is too easy! I just have to walk back do—!"


"Ack! Ow ow ow!" All of a sudden, some things came flying towards her.

Apparently they are some rocks and small logs, they were thrown quite hard that it caused her to stumble a few steps away, and it causes her to knock at another string which causes another wave of rocks flying at her.

She stumbles again and this time is causes a log to hammer against her back "AGH!", she stumbles forward and this time....she steps into a hole and she fell down! And what she finds down there.........are hundreds of worms and little critters....!

Later that night,

Leonard is in the middle of drinking when he heard footsteps coming towards him. He turns to find a haggard looking Ritsuka with bruises and swellings on her whole body.

"Ha...Ha...ha....I made it...faster...!" Ritsuka said,

"Indeed you have, now starts tomorrow again, take a bath," Leonard said,

"Haaaa....!" Ritsuka falls onto the ground, she really has no more strength...

"GET TO IT! Keep yourself clean if you wanna stay healthy to train!" Leonard shouted,

Ritsuka jumps from her exhaustion and hurriedly heads over to the baths. When the water touches her wounds and swelling, it all sting!

Once she finishes, she instantly went to bed....!
In the next morning, Leonard suddenly challenge her to a fight. Leonard uses a wooden sword as well and started attacking her. It may be a wooden sword but it still hurts, like really HURT! And she lost.....sadly!

And then, he proceeds to make her descend the mountain again. With every week she went through, the hardness of the traps began to increase. When it seemed like she finally figured out one level, Leonard takes her to another harder part or changes the traps.

Ritsuka starts to wonder how on earth he changes them in one day!
The next day she did it again, descending, fighting, getting beaten up, bathing, and sleeping, and eating...
And the next the same again,
The fifth day, she caught a cold from not drying her hair up properly after a bath. In the end, because of a small incident, Ritsuka is inspired to learn about Magic!

She'll learn magic and utilize them when she descends the forest and fight with Leonard, and also...use magic to dry her hair!

Apparently, Leonard has Fire and Earth element. Some people usually have one element that they are special in, however there are some cases that some people can use two or even three element.

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