Chapter 35: The City of Fog

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Later at noon,

Ritsuka and the others went to get something to eat at a restaurant not far from the inn.

"So, we're leaving tomorrow?" Aaron asked,

"Yeah, so make sure not to get too tired for tomorrow," Leonard said,

"We know, stop worrying like an old man," Vin said,

"Shut up,"

"Frantham's not too far away from here right?" Ritsuka asked,
"Yeah, we should be able to get there in two days," Aaron said,

"Nice," Ritsuka nodded,

"HELP! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!!" All of a sudden, they hear a commotion outside the restaurant.

"What's going on!?" The people around started going outside to check what's happening,

"Oh my!!" A woman lays her eyes on the man suddenly screamed,
"What the heck—!?"

Leonard and the others also left the restaurant, and they're quite surprised as well at how the man looks.
"," the man cried out,

His body is covered in black bruises, one of his leg seemed to have been...broken as it twists in a weird position. Ritsuka hurriedly tried to go over the man, but one of the bystanders stops her.

"Wait! What are you doing!? Look at him! He's probably cursed!"

"We still need to help him!" Ritsuka shakes the man off, "Sir, are you okay?"

"! They're that...Ghost!" The man said,
"Where are they? Tell us," Ritsuka said,

"T-they're held a Ghost...and a green haired girl...I-Inside a town far in the east...! The city has been covered by a strange mist and....ivy...!"

"Ghost...? Green haired..girl? A city at the east...a-are there any other informations that you can give us?" Leonard asked,

"What about the green haired girl!? Anything else about her??" Natalia then went forward as well trying to ask the man.
A Green haired girl...could it be Opal?? Her sister??

But the man had soon passed out before Leonard or Natalia could ask some more questions...
"He's still alive! We need to take him to a doctor!"

Eventually, the man was placed at a small clinic. It took quite a while for Leonard to convince the doctor inside that the man is not a threat, and Leonard gave the doctor some money to cover for the man's treatment.

"Well that was...something," Aaron said,

"Haaa...the clinic can handle everything from here. We should go back to the inn," Leonard said, "We're going to head for Frantham first thing in the morning,"

"W-wait! Leonard, can't we go to that city?" Natalia said, her face doesn't look too good.
"Can I ask why? Because Frantham is just two days away and you want us to take a detour to a city in the east?" Vin asked her,


Ritsuka looks at Natalia, and it appears she might just know the reason why...

"Is it Opal?"
"Is it your sister?"

Both Aaron and Ritsuka asked at the same time...they both looked at each other,
"I know because I saw the picture," Aaron said,

"Yeah...same...," Ritsuka nodded as well,

"So you're thinking...that the ghost could be your sister?" Theo asked,

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