Chapter 23: Demon Kidnappers?

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In the darkest night, when the moon is hidden behind the clouds...

The sound of a woman breathing heavily as she runs through the empty and dark alley...! A dark shadow can be seen as it moves through the shadows towards the escaping woman...!

"Please...! Stay away! Agh...!" The woman was then pushed onto the floor, her mouth was instantly gagged and in the next instant her eyes are covered in darkness, her screamed muffled by her captors...
Ritsuka's group have traveling on the road for days, they have passed quite a number of small villages, and they finally found a small inn not far from where they are.
"Look there's an inn!" Theo pointed at it,

"Well we can sure use a little break, why don't we head over there?" Leonard said,
"Sure," Vin nodded as he sees that the place is not in the least suspicious,

"Where's Raven by the way?" Leonard asked, he hadn't seen the wolf ever since last night,

"Apparently she went out to hunt, don't worry she'll be back soon," Ritsuka said,
Ritsuka wouldn't worry too much about Raven as they both have a connection with each other that tells the them if the other's in danger and so far there's nothing of the sort...

And so the group heads over to the inn...

"Welcome dear customers!" A young woman greets them,

"Excuse me, are there any rooms available?" Ritsuka asked,

"Of course. Let me escort you to your rooms, that's a room for four person, correct?" The young woman asked,


"Then, right this way!" The young woman takes them to their room,
They're given quite a large room...

"Whoa, this room is quite much does it cost to stay for the night?" Leonard asked,
"That will be 10 copper coins per person," The young woman said, "That includes breakfast and dinner,"

"I see...we don't know how long we'll be staying here so...," Ritsuka was a little hesitant,
"We'll stay here for three days, thank you for showing us our rooms," Leonard said as he pays the young woman,

"Your welcome! Ah, there is also a bath just outside the building you can relax and enjoy yourselves, but...please do not go outside during the night," The young woman said with a serious expression,

" it because of the recent kidnappings?" Vin suddenly interrupted,

"Yes, I see that you're also aware of that. Actually, there has been a recent kidnapping incident of young women in the area as well...there have been 10 young women that have been missing from the town not far from here," The young woman said,

"Aren't the authorities doing anything?" Ritsuka asked,

"Yes, but sadly non are able to find any clues as to where those women have been taken to. Some even say that it might have been the work of demons...," The young woman said, "But that's impossible...not many demons have shown themselves all these years,"

"Well who know about the incident with the could be the work of a demon...," Vin said,
If this is a normal kidnapping even the authorities would have been able to find out something, but they couldn't even find a could assume that it may be the work of demons...

"We understand, please be careful as"
"Ah! Oh dear, where are my manners!? You may call me Ellie," The young woman called Ellie,

"Thank you for the warning Ellie, please be careful as well. Are you perhaps alone, or is there someone else here?" Ritsuka asked, seeing as that Ellie is here alone without any other people Ritsuka is just worried about her...

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