Chapter 11

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Shannon already arrived to pick up Dinah It was 8:15 and Y/N still hadn't arrived yet.
There was a knock on the door it was Y/N she gave me some chocolates after that I eyed her up and down she was wearing a white shirt that said "No pants are the best pants"Some jeans,blue converse a black beanie that said "THIRLWALL"And her leather jacket.

After Ally checked me out I stared at her she was wearing a grey t-shirt,some jeans and some white converse and her beanie that said "FLOVE".We got in my car and I started driving.
There was a comfortable silence.Until she spoke up."Where are we going?"
"I'm not telling you"I said."Pweasee"She pouted."Nope"I said popping the "p"
After that I kept on driving until we got there.
I blindfolded Ally and I lead her to where I had everything set up.
I took the blindfold off and she gasped.

I looked everywhere it was beautiful it had two cushioned chairs lamps and bulbs and a movie was playing.Y/N led me to the chairs she pulled out two plates of pasta.
"I hope you like it because if you don't I can-I cut her off with a kiss.
"Hmmm"She said into the kiss.When we pulled away she blushed.
After we ate I was getting cold so Y/N gave me her jacket.We started watching the movie.It was The Notebook.

After we watched the movie Ally was crying I wiped her tears and calmed her until she stopped crying.I checked the time it was 11:30."Shit,we have to go",I said and Ally nodded.
"Wait,Are we going to pick this up?"Ally asked and I shook my head."Already gone"I pointed at the empty space."How?"Ally asked and I laughed."The guys picked it up when we were watching the movie."
We got to the car and I started driving.I sent out a quick text to the guys.
To:Zayn🙈,Lou💩,Hazza👌,Leeroy💛 and Nialler🇮🇹.
Thanks lads I really appreciate it.Love y'all.
Once we got back I led Ally back to her bus.
"I had a good time tonight Y/N thank you,she said and kissed me.I kissed back once we pulled away she smiled and asked me:"Y/N would you like to be my girlfriend?""If it's to soon I could wait but I would like to-"I cut her off with a kiss."I would love too Ally"I said and she grinned.She went inside and locked the door.
I got to my bus and changed when I remembered that Ally had my jacket.I went to my bunk and went to sleep.

A/N:Hope you like it comment what you think guys thanks for reading!

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