Chapter 1

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Your POV
We were recording in the studio until Simon called us to a meeting.
So you wanna go to Starbucks?-Valeria asked.
Yeah let me grab my phone-I replied
Bye! Me and Valeria said.We ordered and sat down in a table.When we finished Valeria had to go meet her cousin Niall.I was walking when suddenly I heard my name being shouted.It was Shannon I ran to her but she was held by two girls? Suddenly I was blindfolded and pushed into a van.I heard Shannon's and Nicole's voices.Then I felt a body coliding with mine.It was Valeria! I knew it was her because of her curls and thick Irish accent.

Ally's POV
Girls are you sure? I asked Dinah,Normani,Camila and Lauren.
Yes-they replied.I sighed.Our plan was to kidnap the famous band Little Direction.We weren't going to hit them or rape them we just wanted them to...Oh well I forgot.We saw Y/N and Valeria,we already had Nicole and Shannon so...Once we got them in the van I started driving.

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