Chapter Fifteen

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My vision was blinded by the white behind my eyelids, and I felt like I was going to fall when I lurched forward. It felt like those times ... you when you're sleeping and you suddenly jerk in your sleep?. Yes that.

Finally after that horrible feeling, I could feel my feet on solid ground again. I opened my eyes which I had apparenlty shut, and gasped at what was infront of me. It was like an ancient cathedral, painted in gold. It was beautiful and the designs on the pillars which lead to a passage, was detailed to perfection. It felt like a magical world which only exists in fantasy movies.

A hand fell upon my shoulder and I instantly jerked away. When I looked to my right I realized it was dude Eziahl who had touched me.

He gave me a puzzled look, probably wondering why I would be so frantic in a place I don't even know!. Key words "don't know".

"What is this place?.", I marvelled at the beautiful belladonna flower (my favorite) which was unlike any other. It looked to be everywhere at this point. It sparkled like magic and it sort of hypnotized me.

Why would anyone keep toxic plants everywhere where people are?.

"This place is called Medilar.", he said. "It is a place where mediums like yourself and protectors like me reside... amongst other intresting creatures. It is basically like a soccer teams home ground.", he muttered.

I continued to stare like I was star struck because this place is beyond beautiful.

"Come this way.", Eziahl said, snapping me out of my reverie. He began walking towards the passage and I followed, looking in awe at this magical setting.

My bedazzled mood came an abrupt halt as we walked further down the hall. Everything became darker and more scary. The bright shiny gold pillars I has seen when I entered were now all a dark mess.

Eziahl took a right turn and stopped, waiting for me to catch up to him. He stopped and turned to face me.

"Now, this place isn't suppose to be pretty and all unicorns princess. Sure it is beautiful on the outside, but it's what's on the inside that counts. I am giving you a fair warning that it is going to get extremely dark and loud. There will be strange noises and a hell of alot of screaming. There are demons and evil all around. I suggest when walking down to the Lezech, you avoid touching the walls and doors. You wouldn't like what's behind them. Do you understand princess?.", he said, in a low tone which  meant business.

Damn princess, who does he think he is calling me a princess. Darn fool.

"You seem to have known my name last time I checked. Quit calling me princess dude, and yes I understand.", I huffed in annoyance.

He just smirked and walked forward, motioning for me to follow him. We walked for about ten meters and then all the light, (which was very dim might I add) just vanished and all was left was pitch dark and the sound of my thudding heart.

"Come on princess.", Eziahl chuckled. At this point everything is pitch black and I am practically a blind bat.

First there was utter silence and then out of nowhere something horrific screeched. It sounded like a bunch of rusted nails scratching itself on a chalkboard while grating some metal. The sound caused my head to spiral and contract. I felt nothing but pain. I grabbed my head in the pitch dark and wanted to scream.

I latched onto something and squeezed. "Owwwww let go you imbecile!.", Eziahl howled in pain. I didn't care about his yelling because I felt my ears about to fall off.

The pain became so bad that tears started to flow out of my eyes and then Eziahl gripped me into a hug and blocked my ears while he guided me down the Lezech. Finally the noises dissapated and my head started to feel a bit lighter and less in pain.

I was still wrapped up in Eziahls arms when I opened my eyes and looked up at him. We jerked apart like we burned each other and there was awakward tension in the air.

Just then, a throat clearing sounded in the room and for the first time I really looked at where I was. It looked like am art gallery with huge portraits of what looked like evil creatures being slain by angels.

Eziahl sighed in relief at whoever cleared their throat. "Merlia, I found her.", he said.

The woman who apparently is called Merlia looked me up and down wearily and gave me a gentle smile.

"Attacked by a demon I take it?.", she asked, with a knowing smile. She walked down a set of stairs, trailing her perfectly manicured fingers on the silver railing.

I nodded at her question.

"Audrey I presume?, I am Merlia, the head of the Medilar. There has been reported news of your attack... and I believe you are new to all of this.", she paused as if contemplating what to say. "Would you like some tea dear?.", she asked kindly.

"Uhm no thank you.", I politely declined. She picked up a copper like tea pot and poured the steaming liquid, which I assumed was tea, into a transparent glass tea cup.

She raised the cup to her thin pink lips and sipped the tea, not even flinching when she gulped. The tea was so hot it produced steam from it, she has an esophagus made of steel looks like.

I need to get answers as to why I am here because honestly I am still waiting for that moment when I wake up and this bizarre day would have just been a dream this whole time, but so far it doesn't happen.

"Merlia, I don't mean to be rude but what am I doing here and what is happening to me?.", I ask in desperation.

She paused her cup inches away from her lips and then lowered it to the wooden table next to the tea pot. She took a deep breath in.

"Look Audrey, everything is a bit too much to handle. What you know about your family and yourself is not true in the least bit. You need to be ready to hear the truth. You won't believe me because of your stubborn nature like that, but I can assure you I have proof. The question is... are you willing to listen?.", she asked, a stoic expression on her face, showing absolutely no emotion.

Well if it involves my family, I don't care I want to know.

"I am willing to listen.", I stated boldly.

A worried expression passes through her face and dissapears in an instant.
"Very well.", she walked towards a bookshelf I haven't noticed, and she pulled out a thick book, which had a questionable amount of dust on it, and dumped it onto the table.

What she told me next had knocked the wind out of me and caused my head to spin violently.

"Audrey, the Seville family except for your grandmother wasn't your blood family. They were your protectors.", she stated.

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