Chapter Thirty Three

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I stare at him as he does me and he waits for an explanation. There's two ways this could go. One, I tell him the truth and put him in danger... or two... I lie, hurt his feelings and make him hate me for his own good.

The second option seems to win...

Time to get creative Audrey.

"I've been scared which was why I totally avoided you.", I cringe at how fake I sound.

Mike raises his eyebrows as if he knows I am lying through my teeth.

"I mean it's an insecurity problem... what if you leave me and stuff.", I say, sounding more convincing since I am insecure about how I look.

His look softens and guilt hits me unexpectedly. He is perfect yet imperfect but perfect for me. This is going to be hard and I really need Eziahls help with the plan I had come up with five seconds ago.

"There's no need to be insecure Audrey. You are beautiful inside and out.", he whispers to me while I shiver at his smooth voice.

I nod and step to him, placing a chaste kiss on his soft lips and then taking about four steps back, which thankfully he doesn't question.

"Eziahl and I were planning on some demon hunting tonight.", I muse.

"And?.", he says , seeming irritated.

"I want you to tag along.", I say, and immediately regret it since his face splits into a beautiful and adorable smile. Guilt hits me but I manage to mask it with one of my fake broad smiles and I kiss him on the cheek.

AFTER I ran home with tears on my eyelids, I ran upstairs to let the floodgates open, but my plans of crying into a puddle of misery, was abruptly stopped by the sight of Eziahl on my bed, lounging casually, while reading my book.

He looks up at me with tears in his eyes. What the hell, Eziahl literally never cries.

"What happened?.", I asked, a little unsure as to how I should approach him.

"Augustus Waters died... why?. He and Hazel were meant to be!.", he yelled.

I'm so confused and in awe and amused at his reaction.

I burst out laughing and he glares at me, which fuels my laughter even more.

He then gives up his glare and chuckles lightly at me.

"Now that you're not teary eyed, you mind telling me what happened?.", he asks casually.

That destroys my smile completely and Eziahls cocky nature seizes to exists and he grabs me into a crushing hug.

"I am going to break up with him, today, but I need your help", I sniffled.

"Anything for you Audrey", Eziahl whispers and then wipes away my tears.

"What do you need me to do?.", he asks with a regretful sigh.

I take in a deep breath.

"I need you to kiss me. It doesn't have to be intense and all yucky tongue stuff. It just has to be enough for him to hate me.", I whisper.

Eziahl looks at me like I have lost my mind, but then his look softens.

"I love Mike like a brother, as much as our friendship has evolved and he has became so close to me, I can't stand the thought of losing him in this mess, because I know it'll hurt you too... so yes I will help.", he says, and I swear tears glisten in his eyes.

Not too long ago I had nobody and just after a few weeks I have gained all the love I have been missing all these years... just for it to dissapear once again.

I nod and head to the bathroom and get myself ready.

I strip down into nothing and step under the scalding hot shower and burn away all the pre pain thoughts of how this is going to hurt Mike.

I can't even imagine seeing him with anyone else, this is going to crush him.

I dress up in all black per usual, and head downstairs to the kitchen, where I see Lorraine and Eziahl talking about pies of all things.

Ezial looks up at me and smiles, albeit it's a fake smile.

"Mom we're heading out to the carnival, don't wait up, we have some... business.", I say.

"Ah business.", she says with understanding. She then saunters to me and crushes me in a hug while whispering into my ear.

"Be careful and don't bring back gooey monsters.", she fake shudders.

I nod and grab Eziahls hand and head out to the door.

We walk in silence and I refuse to think of Mike.

After seeing the bright lights of the ferris wheel, I stop and take a deep breath. Eziahl doesn't need to be told to give me a hug, he simply holds me against him until I'm calm.

"Ready?.", he finally asks.

"Sure, lights ... no camera... action.", I deadpan.

He forces a smile and walks to one of those fancy win a prize booths.

"Mike says he'll meet us here in about half hour.", Eziahl casually murmers, while hitting the can down a tennis ball and winning a jar of marbles.

I look at him and just shrug even though what is coming is going to hurt like hell.

Eziahl has his siel in place considering we're in public. I wonder if I could do a little siel magic and make myself invisible to all lifes issues. I snort at the idea and Eziahl raises his brows and looks at me like I have finally lost all my brain cells.

Something inside me tells me that Mike is here. I don't need to see him, I feel and just know that he is indeed here.

Eziahl senses what I am silently saying and he discreetly moves closer to me.

I lean onto him like and just when I see Mikes leather jacket, I lean in and place my hands around Ezihals neck and yank him down to me. I move my face to his but we don't kiss, I can never kiss Eziahl, but this is enough for Mike to think that I did kiss him.

"What in the actual fuck!.", yells Mike, and I jerk away from Eziahl. I look up at Mikes eyes and my heart just hurts so much to see the pain in them.

Now to harden up my pretty soft heart and pretend I am made of stone.

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