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Jimin frowned deeply, crevices forming wrinkles onto his face, further showing his hurt and distaste. He was saved 4 years ago today. His parents finally found him. Jimin absolutely loved his parents but being in Busan made him feel sick. He had to leave, go somewhere and actually find himself. He decided on Seoul, the place everyone's dreams come true, or so he hoped at least. A month ago he'd found an add posted by two young men, one born the same year as Jimin and the other two years younger. The elder male was an upcoming actor and was known for being kind and artistic. The younger was an online gamer and had been slowly raking up cash from his videos. He was a lot more reserved, quiet and shy by nature.

It was pretty Ironic that they asked for his move in day to be the anniversary of such scary memories. Bittersweet feelings where filling the young mans body as he remembered it all, getting in his car and waving a goodbye to his parents before driving off. His new home in seoul was going to be a lot for Jimin to take in. He'd have to get used to a completely different kind of life. Nonetheless, Jimin was prepared for what lied ahead. It had to be better than his old life anyways. His new house was pretty nice and the two boys said they wouldn't mind Jimin being behind on rent for the first three months as he still had to find himself a stable job.

When he finally made it he sighed softly. A cute, homely house stood before him quietly within the raging sounds of the big city. the house didn't look as intimidating as Jimin worried it would. In truth it called him in and he felt himself being lured. He glanced and tentatively nodded to the men bringing his cardboard boxes into the house from the moving truck that had arrived about an hour earlier. Just as the final box was hauled inside Jimin sighed. He felt anxiety creep up his spine like a large deadly spider, causing him to shiver in distaste. As the moving truck drove away Jimin took his place in the driveway and walked to the door.

The second he knocked the door flung open to reveal an interesting sight. A taller bright faced person stood there, his hair a light fluffy brown falling weightlessly onto the bandanna that covered his forehead and wrapped around to the back of his head. His eyes where captivating and piercing yet warm and kind all at the same time, the dark grey hue boring into Jimin's own iris'. His features where.. well very attractive and Jimin could feel his face reddening. He looked almost too perfect with his face being way too symmetrical apart from one double eyelid and his tanned glowing clear skin. Gorgeous.

"Jimin! You must be Jimin right??" He called. A deep velvet voice pulled Jimin from his deep thoughts. Deep yet kind and inviting, the voice happy and sweet. "o-oh.. yes I am.." He says quietly, feeling slightly shy. Taehyung noticed his shyness and immediately felt a twinge in his heart. He was just so.. cute. "I'm Taehyung.. One of your new roommates! Here come in.. We'll help you get the rest of your stuff in a minute." he offers, kindly opening the door to allow Jimin inside. Jimin instantly notices the homely feeling of this house. It reminded him of the good and nostalgic things about home.

"Hey Kook come meet Jimin!!" he called out to which another man waltzed in from the stairs. Another strikingly handsome face. Long dark curly hair fanned out just under his jawline, light pale skin, dark eyebrows and dark chocolate brown eyes and heart shaped pink lips paired with a cute mole on his upper chin. Unlike Taehyung who seemed to like refined and classy clothing, Jungkook wore baggy and grungy dark clothing. jimin also happened to notice ink on his hands, letters across his knuckles. The heat in Jimin's face increased.

"hey.." Jungkook mumbled with an awkward smile. "I'm Jungkook.. It's nice to meet you.." He said, trying to avoid eye contact with Jimin. The elder found it kind of cute. "I'm Jimin.. It's nice to meet you too, Jungkook." Jimin spoke. Jungkook felt his own face heat up at the sound of Jimin's voice. It was like an angel had spoken to him from heaven. The sound was like he could feel happiness wrapping itself around his entire body. Not to mention, Jimin was also one of the prettiest boys he'd ever laid his eyes on. Of course though, he was too stubborn to admit it. "Kook why don't you get Jimin's bag's while I help him settle in." He suggested, to which Jungkook hastily nodded and practically ran out of the house.

"Don't take his awkwardness to heart. He isn't really one to be good with new people." Jimin nodded with a kind smile and Taehyung could practically hear the blast of his heart exploding. He was just so cute. After staring for way too long he shook his head and smiled "I'll show you your new room!" he says, gently taking Jimin's hand and happily leads the way up to an empty room. It has a large window and pretty white curtains, the room is bright and pretty even though there's nothing in it yet. except boxes. Many many boxes on the light colored hardwood floors.  "It's perfect.. thank you." Jimin says to the handsome male who nods kindly "Of course, just call if you need anything." He says before happily skipping away.

About five minutes into unpacking his boxes he was interrupted by a soft gentle like knock on the door and looked up to see Jungkook with a sheepish smile. "I uhm.. Have your stuff from the car." he spoke gently. He really wanted to try and let go of his cold nature, especially with someone he'd be living with but he knew it would be difficult. "Oh thank you!" Jimin said, quickly walking up to Jungkook and gently taking one of the bags into his own hands grazing Jungkooks fingertips. Jungkook was embarrassed about it but that small bit of skin ship with Jimin had his face burning more than he ever felt before. "I'll be In my room.. its to your left right outside your room.. Tae is on the right." he said softly, placing all the bags on Jimins floor and making his leave. Jimin had a feeling he was going to like it there.

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