Training and Ambitions

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The next morning, after one heck of a sleepover, everyone was busy training in the stronghold. It was a free-for-all battle, a last man standing sort of thing. Piper clenched her hoops as tightly as she could, seeking the first opponent to strike. When she found Em, caught off guard, she threw the hoops with the knowledge that they would strike the dwarf immediately. But little did she know, Em blocked said attack using her shield, causing them to ricochet right back at Piper. "But how," Piper exclaimed. "Never let your guard down," Em chuckled. It was not long before the dwarven knight was caught in a bubble of light. "Take your word for it," Palutena chuckled. "You're going down, princess," said Dark Pit, for what could be the first time, enthusiastically. He shot two arrows at Zarya, but the ranger countered the attack by shooting two arrows and obliterating her opponent's ammunition. Viridi seized the opportunity to attack. She raised her staff up, and levitated Dark Pit's bow out of his hand. She then used the bow against it's owner, shooting Dark Pit and Zarya out of the match. "Hey, no fair," Zarya and Dark Pit exclaimed in unison. "All's fair in battle royale," Viridi replied, smirking. Her celebration was cut short by a double attack from Pit and Arkayna. The two looked at each other, then Pit said, "Looks like it's just the two of us, huh." "It sure does," Arkayna replied. She then cartwheeled and flipped around the room, making herself a difficult target for the warrior angel. Nonetheless, Pit continued his attempts to strike Arkayna down. All seemed to be hopeless until a single shot struck the Dragon Mage on the left arm. Arkayna fell to the ground, clenching her arm. "Arkayna," Pit screeched. He rushed over to his friend and held her in his arms. "I... I'm okay, Pit," Arkayna groaned, "just a little overwhelmed." "Wait for it," Viridi said. "Wait for what," Arkayna asked. "You thought," Piper said, "but then... And now..." "Sorry about that," Viridi replied. "Alright, that's training for today," said Malvaron in the distance. He then looked at Pit angrily and growled, "if you ever hurt Arkayna again, I'll clip your wings off, take that head wreath of yours and wrap it around your neck!" "Calm down, Malvaron," Palutena reprimanded, "Pit didn't mean to do it on purpose." "Plus, you said it was a free-for-all match," Dark Pit added, "so who's in the wrong really?" "Oh, get owned," Viridi chuckled, that was followed by a high five from Piper. Malvaron just groaned and left the training area. "Is he jealous or something," Pit asked. "Apparently so," Arkayna replied, "it's as if we're dating or something." "Then just do it," said Dark Pit. Everyone looked at the dark winged angel in confusion. "You're not thinking what I think you're thinking," asked Zarya. "If you mean set them up on a date," Viridi replied, "then count me in!" "Gee I don't know," said Arkayna, "we only known each other for two days. Don't get me wrong, Pit's a really nice guy, but..." "If it makes you feel better," Zarya cut in, placing an arm on her sister's shoulders, "Mom hates you dating Malvaron anyways." "She what," Palutena and Viridi asked in unison. "It's a long story," Em replied, "the queen hates her children dating Astromancers." "It's your choice, Arkayna," said Palutena. "Hmm, go back to dating an incompetent jerk or make said incompetent jerk jealous by dating an angel," Arkayna mumbled to herself. "I think we all know what choice she's gonna make, guys," said Viridi. "Pit, you and me tomorrow night," Arkayna replied enthusiastically. Everyone then celebrated in their own way, which brought up Doug and Malvaron's arrival. "Hey, what's all the ruckus," Doug asked. "I've started dating again," Arkayna happily replied. "Phew, I knew you'd come to your senses and pick me again," Malvaron sighed. "Who said she was dating YOU," Pit sassily asked. "Ooohh, get rekt, jerk," Piper exclaimed. "That's right, Pit and I are going out tomorrow," Arkayna replied, "and nothing in the realm will stop us!" "Dude, one piece of advice," Malvaron angrily mumbled, "crash and burn." "Whatever," the Mysticons and Skyworld fighters said in unison.

Meanwhile, at the somewhat reconstructed lair of the Spectral Hand, Tazma Grimm, a corrupted shadow mage and Malvaron's older sister, was spying on her foes through an eagle's eye. "Ah, so the princess finally dumped my lousy brother," she monologued to herself, "and replaced him with the captain of Lady Palutena's guard. This is perfect." She then faced her recently spawned army of shadow monsters and said, "The time is now! We shall prepare for our ambush tomorrow. We shall attack two of our enemies, and then the rest. We will succeed in avenging the loss of our queen! We shall relish in the destruction of the realm. We shall prevail!" The shadow monsters started rejoicing in their mistress's words. Amongst all the noise of her followers, Tazma said, "We shall unleash the lord of the Underworld on them."

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