Jealous much, Mal?

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As the day went on, not a single person couldn't stop thinking about Pit and Arkayna's date tomorrow. Malvaron, on the other hand, was plotting some kind of way to end the relationship. He went to the throne room and sought out Gawayne.  As he entered, he found the young prince being fed like a baby by his personal butler. "Hey, Gawayne," Malvaron greeted. "What," Gawayne scolded, his mouth still full of his chocolate ice cream. "I need your help," Malvaron explained, "I want to get rid of that annoying angel." Gawayne perked up at the mention of Pit. "He just swooped in and stole MY girlfriend," Malvaron yelled, "I need you to annoy the stuff outta him!" "And what's in it for me," Gawayne sighed, "can't you just get a life?" "You can become king again," Malvaron replied, "there's a spell on the mage black market that can allow you to control anybody in the realm just like that scepter did." Gawayne thought back to when he discovered his Ultimate Man Cavern, when he used the scepter against an enemy, and how he stupidity threw it into an incinerator. He didn't want to go through that cancer again, so he said, "Nah, not feeling it." "I can hook you up with a really hot girl," said Malvaron, "I promise she'll make Latencia jealous." Gawayne perked up at the mention of making his pixie ex girlfriend jealous, then replied, "Just make sure she's extremely hot." He then got up from his throne and headed to the secret stronghold to annoy the stuff out of Pit.

Meanwhile in the stronghold, everyone just carried on with their own thing; Em was doing maintenance on her weapons mech, Piper, Palutena, Arkayna and Viridi were watching EtherealNet videos and Zarya, Pit and Dark Pit were playing Avatars of the Apocalypse. Gawayne entered the room, ready to disturb the peace and make the Skyworld fighters leave. "Hey, everyone. Sorry for calling the others a bunch of fan made characters," he said suddenly. Everybody stopped what they were doing and stared at the prince with slightly gaping mouths. "Gawayne, who sent you here," Arkayna suspiciously asked. "Nobody, loving stepsis #1," Gawayne replied, "I just want to get to know them better." It took everyone a while to process this false information before Em said, "Nope, still don't buy it." "Maybe you should give him a chance," said Pit, "I could only imagine the harsh lecture that Queen Goodfey gave him." "Ugh, I guess," Arkayna sighed, "but no funny business. And call us by our names, jerk!" All Gawayne could do was smirk and walk callously to the couch. He cushioned himself between Zarya and Pit and carry on with his plan. "So, how many quests have you been on," he asked with fake innocence. "So, so many quests," Pit naively replied. "And, uh, is her hair always been green," Gawayne asked, pointing at Palutena. "I guess so," Pit nervously replied. "And are you able to fly with your 'majestic' wings," Gawayne asked. Before Pit could answer, he felt Gawayne tugging his wings painfully. "Ow, hey! Let me go," Pit demanded, but Gawayne refused. Everyone tried to separate the two, but Gawayne swatted them away like flies. Gawayne tugged Pit's wings almost at the point of tearing off when Arkayna sanitized her hand and slapped it on her stepbrother's face. "Hey, what are you doing," Gawayne reprimanded. Arkayna didn't answer that question. She however performed a mind reading spell that Aunty Yaga, Malvaron's demigoddess aunty, taught her on her visit in Centaur Park. "Thought so," she said once the spell was completed, "Malvaron sent Gawayne over here to annoy us." "But specifically, to make us leave," Viridi added. "And I thought I could trust you, besides the wings" Pit painfully gasped. "Looks like the prince was just a pawn in Malvaron's game of chess," said Dark Pit. "Well then, it's time we called checkmate," Palutena replied, "and end this match." Everyone got up and left the stronghold. Gawayne slowly backed away, but he was held off by Arkayna's magic, and he was dragged to the throne room.

Inside, Malvaron was pacing nervously in front of the King and Queen. The door swung open, revealing an angry mob composed of the Mysticons and Skyworld fighters. Gawayne was tied up in Arkayna's magic, and Malvaron already knew he messed up. "Hey you," Piper yelled, "you made us mad, so spill it!" "What's going on," Amethyst asked, "why is Gawayne tied up?" "Ask your solon, your highness," Palutena replied, "he's the one who sent Gawayne on a mission." To get rid of us, Pit thought. "Malvaron, Gawayne, what is the meaning of this," Vincent asked. "This bimbo sent me to annoy those loser friends of theirs," Gawayne replied, "but stepsis #1 used her witchcraft and read my mind without permission." "Is this true, Arkayna," Amethyst angrily asked. "Yes, Mom," Arkayna calmly replied, "but Gawayne missed a few parts of the story." "Like what," Malvaron asked. "Hmm, I don't know," Zarya sarcastically replied, "Gawayne pulling Pit's wings almost to the point of ripping them off, constantly swatting us away as he did so, and not having a very hygienic face." Arkayna high fived her twin sister, then gently dropped Gawayne down. "Gawayne, I'm very disappointed in you," said Vincent sternly to his son. "As am I," Amethyst added, "you're grounded for three weeks as of right now!" "Way to go, bimbo," Gawayne scolded. "And as for YOU," Pit scolded, pointing angrily at Malvaron, "I've decided to postpone our date to tonight!" "For real," Arkayna asked. "For real," Pit replied, holding the princess's hands. Everybody, except for Malvaron and Gawayne, celebrated in their own way at the sudden change of events.

Meanwhile at Tazma's lair, Tazma was still spying on the group with her eagle's eye. "So the date is postponed to tonight, huh," she monologued to herself, "this is perfect." "Excuse me, but when will I go out and destroy my sworn enemy and his girlfriend," a deep, godlike male voice boomed across the room. "You're one tough nut to crack, aren't you," Tazma replied, "don't worry yourself. You'll be able to see them tonight." "Excellent," the voice boomed again. The entire lair was filled with evil cackling as the both of them laughed maliciously.

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