The Grand Tour

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"Let's first introduce you to our griffins," said Piper enthusiastically. The two groups went over to the griffins, still situated where the girls have left them. "My, what majestic creatures," Palutena exclaimed. "This is Izzie, Archer, Ms Paisley and Topaz," Arkayna replied, gesturing to the griffins. "They're so cute," said Viridi, "why couldn't we have griffins back home?" "We already have Pit and Dark Pit," Palutena replied, "plus, do you know how expensive griffin insurance is?!" "Griffin insurance," Piper laughed, "I've never heard of that before, and I've heard of a lot of things." "Hop aboard," Em called, hopping on Topaz's back. Arkayna and Pit hopped on Izzie, Zarya and Dark Pit hopped on Archer, Piper and Viridi hopped on Ms Paisley and Palutena hopped on Topaz, and off everyone went into the skies! Everyone took in the breathtaking views of the city as they traveled. Arkayna and Pit were having a good time when they found a train traveling in their direction! Izzie dived down, avoiding the train and keeping her riders safe. As soon as she rose back up again, Arkayna's tiara and Pit's head wreath was not where it's supposed to be. They looked at each other and laughed. "Let me get that," they said in unison, then they fixed each other's headwear and caught up with the others afterwards. "And here's the star of it all," Em announced, "the Royal Palace." "Home," Arkayna added. "How about a tour of this place," Palutena asked. "Sure," Arkayna replied, "c'mon, Izzie!" Izzie dove right to the balcony of the palace, and Archer, Topaz and Ms Paisley followed her. Everyone lept off the humble steeds and were about to enter the building when 2 guards stopped them. "Don't worry, they're with us," said Zarya. The guards let everyone in the majestic tower palace. "Oh my," Viridi exclaimed, "you must have everything, have you?" "Well..." said Arkayna, thinking on what she has. "First up," Em said, "we have the Royal Treasury." Everyone entered the elevator that took them to the treasury. The room was filled with gold, jewels, valuable treasures of all kinds. "That is a LOT of money," Pit exclaimed, "you can probably buy everything you want." "I guess so," Zarya replied, "but we're saving it for necessary reasons. Y'know, helping the realm, charity work, video games..." "No way! I can't believe this," Palutena said enthusiastically. She spotted a statue of the original Mysticons in all their glory. "Who are they," Dark Pit asked. "These warriors are the legendary Mysticons," Palutena replied. "Mystica-who now," Pit asked. "The Mysticons are legendary warriors chosen by the Dragon Disk to defend Gemina from the Spectral Hand," Palutena replied. "During their final battle, when the other Mysticons fell, Imani Firewing, the original Mysticon Dragon Mage, managed to subdue the evil queen Necrafa for one thousand years," Viridi added. "Woah," Pit exclaimed. "But the next generation of Mysticons successfully destroyed the lich queen and ended the reign of the Spectral Hand once and for all," Palutena said. "Oh, I wish I could meet them," Pit sighed. "Look no further, Pit," Piper replied, "here we are." "Zarya and I destroyed Necrafa using the Twin Dragon rings," Arkayna explained. "Oh yeah, that was awesome," Zarya replied. "And we successfully destroyed the Spectral Hand with the Lances of Justice," Em added.  "There's no possible way the Dragon Disk chose YOU out of all people," said Dark Pit, frustrated. " I guess you could say we were accidentally chosen," Em sassily replied. "Let's move on with the tour, shall we," Palutena said. Everyone went to the elevator that took them back down to where the tour started. They visited three other rooms before heading to the throne room. As they were walking, Arkayna was busy thinking about her parents. Her stepfather was a sweet, dedicated but stern king, but her mother was a short-tempered and strict but loving queen. And then comes Gawayne, her annoying stepbrother. If there's anyone the girls couldn't stand, it's him.

Everyone entered the grand throne room. It was pretty large for a family of five, but at the same time it did host some of the best balls, galas and fancy parties. Sitting gracefully on their thrones were King Vincent Darius, Queen Amethyst Goodfey and Prince Gawayne Darius. "Hello, girls," Amethyst greeted warmly. "Hi, Mom," Arkayna greeted back. As the two then embraced in a loving hug, Amethyst encouraged Zarya, Em and Piper to join in. Soon, the females were in a warm group hug. "Not to interrupt the lovely group hug," said Vincent, "but who are they?" He was pointing to the Skyworld visitors in a normal-ish fashion. "Oh, thanks for reminding me," Arkayna replied, "meet Pit, captain of Lady Palutena's guard & Dark Pit, Pit's dark winged doppelganger. Both are warriors of Skyworld, Viridi, goddess of nature and Palutena, goddess of light." "Yeah, great fan made characters, stepsis #1," Gawayne sighed. "Be quiet, Gawayne," Amethyst yelled. "Not to be rude, but we're not cosplaying as fan made characters," said Palutena, "we possess abilities you can't possibly think of. I possess the power of light." "And I possess the power of nature," Viridi added. "And Dark Pit and I possess the Great Sacred Treasure," Pit finished off, "I mean I think we do." "You do, but I don't," Dark Pit sighed. "Yeah, keep lying to yourselves," Gawayne chuckled. Amethyst groaned in frustration, knowing that her stepson is disrespecting the Skyworld visitors. Dark Pit, who noticed the queen's sour expression, subtly and quietly asked, "May I launch him into the stratosphere, your Highness?" "No no, it's alright," Amethyst replied, "I'll take care of him." "May we please continue with the tour," Pit asked. Amethyst smiled lightly and replied, "if you ever need me, I'll always be in the palace." Everyone exited the throne room, leaving Amethyst to discipline her stepson. Meanwhile, the tour continued with another three rooms. They finally made it to the stronghold. "And this is our stronghold," said Zarya, "our base of operations." Everyone entered the semi-formal area, taking in the place inch by inch. Viridi spotted two guys, as well as a little white and pink creature, playing video games. "Hey girls, who are the two slobs and the little cutie pie," she asked. The two guys, who were in fact Malvaron and Doug, paused the game and looked at Viridi. "Hey, who are you calling slobs," Doug innocently asked. The little creature, who was in fact Choko, chirped that Doug was kind of a slob. "Not helping, Choko," Malvaron groaned. He then looked at the strangers standing next to the girls and asked, "Who are they?" "Malvaron, Doug," Em replied, "meet Pit, captain of Lady Palutena's guard and Dark Pit, Pit's dark winged doppelganger, whom are warriors of Skyworld, Palutena, goddess of light and Viridi, goddess of nature." The boys just stared, processing the information Em gave them. Choko, who understood completely, rolled his eyes and scurried over to Zarya. "Thanks for taking care of them, Chokster," Zarya whispered. Choko climbed on his bestie's head and chirped. "Well, it's getting late," said Pit, "but we don't have a place to stay, so..." "Yes, you can stay with us," Arkayna cut in, "you can definitely stay with us." Everyone else except Malvaron just laughed. "Woah woah woah, hold up," Malvaron cut in, "you can't just invite random strangers to live with us. They might as well be spies in disguise trying to pick our brains." Everyone stared at the young mage, wondering how crazy he's gonna get. After a while, Viridi caught Piper's attention, winked and said, "You got us. We're spies." "Oh no, please don't pick our brains," Piper dramatically pled. The two started running around, playing with each other. That made everyone laugh out loud, but Malvaron was not amused. After the little act was performed, Palutena said, "With all due respect, Malvaron, but what the girls are saying about us is correct." "I'll see it when dragons don't fly," Malvaron sourly replied. "Okay, let's allocate bedrooms for you guys," Arkayna said nervously, pushing Pit away from her jealous ex boyfriend.

"We actually have two guest bedrooms set up for you guys," said Em, "so if you want to sleep there..." "How about a sleep over," Pit cut in. "Ahhhh, an angel after my own heart," Piper sighed, "let's do it!" "Okay, then how about in your room, Piper," Zarya joked. She then lept over to a vent, but this vent was actually Piper's bedroom. Everyone did the same, leaping to the secret bedroom. Inside was what an a hundred and nineteen year old elf could ever hope for; plushies, dancing space and a high bed. "What the," Dark Pit whispered, "this is the most insane bedroom I've ever seen." "And that's really saying something, Pittoo," Pit whispered back. "How many times did I tell you not to call me that," Dark Pit groaned. "This is gonna be one heck of a sleepover, guys," Arkayna sighed.

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