Snow Globes and First Kisses

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After Hades returned to the dust that he trudged on, everyone celebrated in their own way. After not that long, Tazma teleported back. "How you Mysticons and your little allies seem to annoy me everytime," she monologued to everyone, "but just know this: I am the mistress of shadows, I am the servant of the Queen of the Undead Necrafa, and I shall be Gemina's new ruler! You may have won this round, but I will win the next one and years to come! You are nothing, you hear me! Nothing!" "Oh, be quiet, Tazma," Arkayna sighed. She was clearly very annoyed by Tazma's long monologue, so she put the dark mage on mute. "Allow me," said Palutena. She then shrunk Tazma and placed her in a snow globe. "Aww, she looks so cute," said Viridi, "can we keep her? Please?" "I think we'll keep her," Em replied, "but you can visit her." "Nah, not interested," Viridi said, "I already know how annoying it can be to keep a little shadow mage in a snow globe." Being silenced by Arkayna's magic, Tazma just rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Arkayna," someone called in the distance. Malvaron, Doug and Choko came running in to the balcony. "Guys, what happened," Malvaron asked. "We were just fighting an old foe," Palutena replied. "And look at our little prize," Pit added, giving the snow globe to Malvaron. Doug and Choko gasped, knowing that their friends did something they couldn't. "And what did you guys do," Piper asked. Choko chirped and chittered about their chill day watching movies and playing videogames. He then climbed on to Zarya's shoulders and nuzzled her nose with his. Tazma kept on banging on the glass, so Arkayna finally gave her voice back. "You were saying," Zarya asked sarcastically, donning a cocky grin on her face. "Didn't you listen to me," Tazma angrily replied, "I am the mistress of shadows, I am the servant of Necrafa, and as soon as I get out of here, I will be your waking nightmare!" "Try to escape, Tazma, this glass is one of the toughest glasses in the universe," said Palutena, "you're going to need a miracle to help break you out." "Who are you monsters," Tazma scolded.

"I am Palutena, the goddess of light."
"I am Viridi, the goddess of nature."
"I am Pit, servant of the goddess of light."
"And I'm Dark Pit, servant to no other than myself."
"I'm Princess Arkayna Goodfey, Mysticon Dragon Mage."
"I am Zarya Moonwolf Goodfey, Mysticon Ranger."
"I am Piper Willowbrook, Mysticon Striker."
"And I'm Emerald Goldenbraid, Mysticon Knight."

"And they are awesome," Malvaron reluctantly sighed. He then focused his attention on his *doesn't want to say* ex girlfriend. As everyone celebrated, Malvaron tapped Arkayna on the shoulder. "Look, I just want to say, I'm sorry," he said, " I'm sorry for everything I did that made you angry. But I seriously hope that dinner of your's failed." "Actually, it went great," said Arkayna, "I'm sorry, Malvaron, but I'm with Pit. I'm still angry at you for attempting to ruin my love life. That was truly unforgivable! If you hadn't been such a jealous jerk, then we'd still have a purpose together. I guess not." She then slapped her ex boyfriend in the face, then flicked her hair as she was walking over to her new boyfriend. "I saw everything," Pit sighed. Arkayna then embraced in the angel's loving arms and wings, and replied with, "Pit, you'll forever be my angel." The two then looked at each other, then closed their eyes and locked in a romantic first kiss. The others looked at this beautiful display of love and gave their own form of silent response. The other Mysticons, Doug, Choko and the Skyworld fighters all looked in awe, Tazma rolled her eyes in annoyance, and Malvaron bowed his head down knowing that he lost his girlfriend for good.

The kiss ended, and Pit and Arkayna realized that they were officially a couple. "Does this mean," Pit quietly asked. "We're official, Pit," Arkayna silently replied. "Oh my goblin, I can't believe it," Piper exclaimed, "you two are official! This is FABTACULAR!" Everyone laughed at Piper's display of affection. Doug on the other hand, headed back inside in search of his best friend. He found him back in the potions lab, so he shrugged and walked away. Little did he know, Malvaron was concocting some kind of potion, but was it suicide or revenge?

The news was traveling as fast as the fastest trains in Gemina, and soon enough people got a hold of the news: Princess Arkayna and Captain Pit, the perfect couple. #ArkaynPit.

                                  THE END

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