Mother Dearest

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Lillian had gone to the store with the intent of getting things for the get together that would be held at her house. In reality it was just going to be Magnus, her and Aiden. Alec was going out with his brother and sister now that he was no longer sick.

Lillian wa currently going through the isles and choosing whatever she seemed to find interesting at the time. Magnus had told her to get a lot of things or he was going to come back and buy over a thousand dollars worth of things. Magnus Bane was rich, he may have come from small beginnings and used a lot of Lillian's money to travel in the beginning but he was helping with her business already and was getting paid really well for it. Along with his numerous side jobs he did. Lillian was in the chips isle when she was stopped. "Lillian?" she heard and froze. That voice. Not that voice, please don't be that voice! She silently begged. She turned around to see a face that haunts her nightmares, one of the things that finally went away when she was with Aiden. "Brittany" she said with a nod Brittany sneered at her, the fake blonde hair was starting to show brown roots and the excessive makeup made her look older than she really was but she was recognizable all the same. Lillian's mother.

Lillian stormed into the apartment tears threatening to spill from her eyes startling Aiden and before he could even question what was wrong the groceries were on the floor and Lillian had slammed her bedroom door and curled up on her bed. Aiden rushed after her and when he saw Lillian in the state she was in it broke his heart. He rushed up to her and embraced her trembling figure in his warm embrace. She hugged him back with much strength.

Aiden had managed to calm her down enough to take her out of her room and snuggle on the couch. Magnus barged in, "oh my gods I came as fast as I could. I can't believe that evil hag his here!" Magnus exclaimed holding up Malibu rum, orange vanilla coke, and ice cream. Lillian left Aiden's warm embrace to make herself a drink, when she finished she snuggled back into Aiden's arms then she froze and assessed the situation. "I am so stupid!" She exclaimed "no you're not!" both Aiden and Magnus said at the same time Lillian rolled her eyes "I just now realized Aiden has been able to touch me since I got home." Lillian said the other two boys froze, processing the information they had just received. Aiden slowly pulled Lillian back towards him and wrapped his arms around her once again.

The elevator opened with a ping, surprising all three of them. It was Brittany. "What are you doing here?" Lillian asked her entire demeanor changed from depressed friend who was in the embrace of her crush to cold girl with no emotions. "I came to see my daughter! Oh the filth of yours is here" she said in disgust looking at Magnus she was lucky Alec wasn't there "nice to see you too peasant" he sneered she looked at him with more disgust "I do not waste my time speaking to such creatures as yourself. Lillian honey you will never get a guy looking like that, have you ever tried plastic surgery? Though you might be a little past saving" she said Lillian's grip on Aiden tightened but he moved away from her and punched the wall, creating the bangs that they had been hearing from the beginning. Brittany jumped "what was that?" she asked "probably the ghost that haunts the apartment, he has grown rather fond of the offspring you helped create." Magnus said not wanting to call Lillian her daughter because that woman was no mother to her.

"Ghost?" Brittany asked "you expect me to believe a piece of scum like yo-" Aiden punched the wall again with much force. "I honestly don't care what you believe, I just want you gone. Leave before I call the cops" "Lillian said, facing her fear with her phone in hand. What Brittany didn't realize is that her phone was recording. "for what? visiting a piece of shit like you?" Brittany asked "for murder, abuse, and sex trafficking of sorts" Lillian said Aden saw what she was doing. "Magnus call the cops" Aiden said "please you can't prove that I sold your body for money, or that I killed your father or beat you" Brittany said "I will find a way" Lillian said "you can't I burned the clothes with his blood on them and I buried all the evidence under that old pine. You will never catch me, plus those men that raped you will never talk." Brittany said "why?" Lillian asked "because I killed them, I can't have anyone fine out that I sold my daughter's body right?" Brittany said.

Lillian had gotten all she needed Magnus had found a way to text the police, they were outside as they spoke. Lillian just had to keep Britany's attention for a little longer while the police showed up. Brittany smiled a cold cruel smile "And now, your time has come. You are a filthy slutty whore who will never deserve to live. And that is why, I am going to take your life" she said pulling out a gun. Everyone in the room froze 'I love you Aiden' she thought as she closed her eyes and waited for the pain. There was a bang, and a thud. But no pain. Lillian opened her eyes and was shocked to see Aiden had tackled her mother she was staring at Aiden in disbelief "wha- who are you? Where did you come from?" Brittany demanded as the elevator opened and police swarmed in. The men grabbed Aiden like he was the one who needed to be arrested "Wait!" Lillian screamed "He is not the one who needs to be arrested! It is her, I have the proof all right here, she has sold my body, killed my father, killed the men who raped me, and abused me. She was about to kill me when Aiden tackled her." Lillian rushed out. They let Aiden go and grabbed Brittany. Some cops stayed behind to question them. When it was all over Lillian snuggled into Aiden, she knew they would be ok.  

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