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Weeks had passed and Lillian had gotten into a routine. Wake up, talk to Aiden, put phone on charge, get dressed, talk to Aiden, wait for Magnus or go to class (depending on he day), come home or go to Magnus' house, study/talk, talk to Aiden, go to sleep. It had become normal for everybody including Aiden, which is why the early autumn morning shocked everyone.

Lillian woke up like usual "good morning" an unfamiliar deep raspy baritone male voice said. Lillian froze then looked around the room and saw nothing "where and who the fuck are you?" she asked silently panicking but on the outside she looked fearless, "wait you can hear me?" the voice asked surprised and hopeful, was it Aiden? she thought no, he can't talk out loud at least not that I can hear she thought again. Lillian nodded "no I want you to physically say you can hear me" the voice said desperately "yes I can hear you now, who the fuck are you?" she asked "kitten it's me, it's Aiden" the voice said she froze "really?" she asked "yeah!" he said sounding beyond happy "wow this is so much easier than the normal routine" she muttered Aiden laughed, he had a beautiful laugh, a sexy voice, and a great personality why couldn't he be real?! Lillian mourned sadly. "Do you always say good morning?" Lillian asked curiously "yeah" Aiden said "why do you think you can talk now?" Lillian asked as she got up and went to her living room.

"I'm not sure" Aiden said, his voice got slightly fainter as if he had left the room she shrugged it off "so why are you so nice to me? You could surly make my life miserable but you don't" she asked then say a coffee cup float into her living room he stared at in confusion "here, take it" Aiden said as he got close to her she carefully took it to see coffee inside, it smelled like peppermint so he had obviously used the flavoring she liked to use, she took a sip and was shocked "this is good!" she exclaimed in surprise he scoffed at her "thanks for the vote of confidence" he muttered sarcastically she chuckled "sorry I didn't mean it like that, promise!" she said he chuckled "it's fine" he reassured.

the elevator opened Magnus entered Lillian saw Alec wasn't with him "where's pretty boy?" she asked "he slept at his house yesterday because his parents wanted him home and his siblings convinced him to go over for dinner. When we spoke on the phone nothing bad happened, they didn't speak at all apparently. This morning might be a different story though I'm not sure" Magnus said Lillian nodded "I'm prettier than Alec!" Aiden said Magnus jumped and looked around "hey you can hear me too! Kitten he can hear me too!" Aiden said excitedly "Aiden?" Magnus asked "yup!" he confirmed happily "I wonder if it's just us that can hear you or if everyone can" Magnus wondered out loud Lillian looked out the window and saw the neighbor on their balcony "let's find out" she said and walked out onto the balcony "Hey person can you hear me?!" Aiden screamed at the top of his lungs both Magnus and Lillian cringed at the loud sound. The person remained clueless and oblivious. Lillian went inside and sighed in disappointment "well I guess at least the important people can hear me" Aiden said "yeah, now we just need to see if Alec can hear you" Magnus said Lillian nodded.

Lillian, Magnus, and Aiden were talking "I need to get dress I'll be back" Lillian said "Ok" the boys said in sync, they all started laughing. Lillian came back out to the boys just in time for the elevator to open to reveal Alec. "Hey babe" Magnus said "Hey Alec" Lillian said "hello Alec" Aiden said testing it out Alec started to look around for the source of the noise "ok, I have reached the conclusion that you three are freaks" Aiden said exasperatedly "Hey!" Lillian and Magnus exclaimed Aiden laughed "I'm kidding, well kind of" he said they just rolled their eyes. "wait is that Aiden?" Alec asked "yup" Aiden, Lillian, and Magnus said at the same time. Alec nodded in bewilderment making them all laugh, little did they know that this was just the beginning.  

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