Phone Killer

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Lillian woke up to sunshine shining through her window, she saw she was on the couch with a blanket placed on her. She got up and went to the counter and saw her phone screen on and typing on her notes. She looked at it confused GOOD MORNING KITTEN!!! it said "Morning?" she said confused "Aiden?" she asked yup  "Why didn't you do this in the first place?" she asked I couldn't, I started to feel different after you left and put the board away Lillian thought back to the day before then gasped "I didn't say good bye" she said in realization yeah you did, are you going delusional? he asked Lillian rolled her eyes I meant on the board, I have made a habit of saying goodbye out loud to you" Lillian explained to the annoying ghost.

Aiden and her talked like that for hours before she realized she needed to leave "crap! I have to go! Bye Aiden!" She exclaimed and rushed to her room and got dressed. rushing back to her phone only to see it was at 20% "UGH Aiden now my phone's dead!" she complained she got a bang in response "bye Aiden" she called as she left.

"Hey girl! That was a crazy storm don't you think!" Magnus said as he skipped to her which would appear strange for such a tall male to be doing, if he weren't dressed like he was on his way to a gay bar or a fashion show with colorful hair, perfect makeup, and clothes that made a statement. "It was interesting, but not as interesting as this morning" she said "Oh what happened this morning?!" he asked as we passed Alec and his friends, we waved "Aiden and I talked on the phone, he used my notes app! My phone is dead, I'm thinking about calling him the phone killer." Lillian said gaining the attention of people, mostly females around her "who's Aiden?" one of them asked "A friend" Magnus and her said in sync, they tried to do when there was unwanted questions and they wanted to creep people out "is he cute? Could you introduce us?" the girls asked "I don't know, no" they replied the girls scoffed then left the two rolled their eyes. 

They were walking to their first class talking like usual when suddenly Lillian was shoved to the ground scraping her arms, leg, and face. Lillian's leggings ripped and blood was seeping through the places that hadn't completely ripped, her arms bleeding and face bleeding as well. The person who was on the bike was on the ground but he got up completely unharmed "watch where you're going freak lover!" he exclaimed "excuse me?" both Magnus and Lillian asked at the same time, both for the same reason but different focuses Magnus was mad because he called Lillian a name and Lillian was mad because he insulted Magnus. "you heard me, I said watch where you're going freak lover" he said Magnus' eyes flashed a dangerous look "I'll give you two seconds before you apologize" he said stepping closer to the guy not realizing Alec was arriving on the scene "What are you going to do fairy freak?" the guy asked "Magnus, he's not worth it" Lillian said trying to cool down the situation "shut up freak lover, if the fairy wants to get beat up let him" he said Magnus got even angrier "watch it prissy boy, don't start fight you can't finish." he said Lillian knew he was waiting for the boy to punch first.

The boy swung but Magnus dodged and punched him right in the face knocking the guy back as he clutched his nose "you broke my nose!" the guy exclaimed as he went to punch Magnus again but Magnus grabbed his hand and started to twist, the guy cried out in pain. "Magnus!" both Alec and Lillian exclaimed grabbing his arm he seemed to snap out of a trance he glared at the boy and shoved him away and brushed off their hands and stormed away "Magnus!" Alec cried before following Lillian went to wait by the oak tree, soon Magnus and Alec came into sight. Magnus assessed her injuries "I should have done more" he muttered Lillian could tell he was still pissed "come on my house is closer we can get cleaned up"  Lillian suggested so Magnus couldn't' go after the guy again they nodded and they left to Lillian's.

The three entered the house and Lillian went to get her first aid kit an saw herself in the mirror "why didn't you tell me how bad I looked?" she asked when she came back out she saw the phones freaking out and the lights started to flicker "Aiden calm down!" Lillian exclaimed "I'm fine, it's just a small scratch" she said "small scratch my ass! You're not fine, this happened because of me!" Magnus exclaimed standing up and started to pace "Magnus this wasn't your fault, it was the small minded punk that ran into me on purpose. Besides you broke his nose and at least sprained his wrist" Lillian reassured Magnus sighed "but if you weren't friends with me or I wasn't the way I am you wouldn't be hurt" Magnus tried "Magnus Bane look at me" Alec said sternly Magnus looked at him "this is not your fault. You are amazing and now it's my turn to finally comfort you. You don't need to change because you have two people who love you dearly, and about four people who are tracking down that guy at this moment to make him pay, and would do it a thousand times again because you mean a lot to me therefor a lot to  them. Do not change yourself or blame yourself for a small minded, spoiled asshat's actions" Alec said hugging Magnus who sighed into his chest "ok, now let's clean you up and tell Aiden what happened so he can stop panicking" Magnus said Lillian nodded and they spent the rest of the day talking and charging thir phones because of the brutal phone killer.    

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