The Plan

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"Aiden come" Lillian said as she got up "what? Who is Aiden?" Jake asked "it means don't come" Lillian and Magnus said, poor Alec was out of the loop but knew to play along. Lillian went to the bathroom "You here?" she asked when she closed the door "yes and I demand an explanation now" Aiden said grumpily "Jake is a boy that is obsessed with me, for what reason I will never know" she started muttering "than you are blind"  Aiden said making Lillian confused "continue" Aiden said before she could ask "anyways we got partnered with him for an English project and Magnus and I have to tutor him" Lillian explained he nodded "I don't like him, and all of you are acting strange Alec is being closed off and Magnus isn't his usual happy self. I want him gone, this was my house before it was yours" Aiden complained Lillian grinned "which is why I called you into this bathroom, I have a plan and it will make him never want to come back. Lillian said and explained her plan "I knew there was a reason I liked you kitten" he said. She rolled her eyes and left the bathroom.

She sat down by her laptop and saw that they were almost finished "thank gods we're almost done!" Lillian exclaimed "I know baby girl, I want alone time too" Jake said there was a large bang "did you guys hear that?" Jake asked "yeah, it's just the ghost that apparently haunts the apartment" Magnus said offhandedly "what?" Jake asked "yeah this apartment is apparently haunted, which might explain the writing on the wall, the flickering lights, my television turning on and off, and a whole lot of different things" Lillian said "oh and every person who lived here before moved out within 9 months because of a ghost or something like that" Magnus added "oh yeah, there's that too" she agreed acting oblivious of her tormentors terror. Thee was another bang, "why do you live here?!" he asked in horror "well, the rent is amazing plus I never feel alone because someone is always watching me, I think it's a guy because sometimes I'll come downstairs to car shows on the TV or something" Lillian said as if the thought of some strange male ghost in her apartment was something that didn't faze her, in reality at first before she started talking to him, it was a little un nerving. Aiden now was just part of her life and she wouldn't get rid of him if she had the chance.

"We need an exorcist!" Jake exclaimed "hey I am not a demon thank you very much" Aiden sassed Lillian laughed "ayyyy I got her to laugh!" he cheered he felt accomplished. Lillian felt her heart warm up at him just being himself. There was another bang, Lillian groaned as if she was annoyed but she honestly wasn't "did you see that?" Magnus asked in a frightened voice, Lillian bit back a smile. "what was that?!" Alec asked catching on to what was going on "guys I'm not stupid, I'm not going to fall for-" there was a large crash "oops" Aiden said "what did you do?" Lillian yelled running towards the kitchen, she saw a broken  glass "I didn't mean to I swear I turned around and accidentally bumped it" Aiden said in a panic "it's fine" she muttered quietly as she slowly started to pic it up "no! Don't I'll pick it up when the guy leaves"  Aiden said the rest of them entered the room Magnus grabbed her as she cut her self "Lillian it's fine we'll pick it up later!" he said and started to fix her cut finger" I'm out of here! You can keep your haunted apartment I want to live!" the guy said and ran out of the room and to the elevator the glass started to float as they were picked up, Aiden cut himself and the three saw smoke "Aiden are you bleeding?" Alec asked "yeah, why?" he asked confused on how he knew "because we see smoke dripping to the floor as if it was blood" Alec said casually Aiden was shocked into silence "are you ok Aiden?" Lillian asked concerned that he had hurt himself. "I'm fine kitten I don't feel physical pain" he assured her touched at the fact she actually cared. "well mission accomplished, we got rid of him" Alec said they chuckled the plan worked. 

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