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Lillian woke up, "good morning kitten" Aiden said "morning" she said and went to her bathroom with todays outfit. Magnus and her were going to drag Alec shopping after his day with his parents the day before. She sighed as she left her room and started walking to the kitchen for her morning coffee she looked up when she got to the kitchen. 

There stood a man with tan skin about 6'5 in height and breathtaking Windex colored eyes, holding a cup of coffee in her kitchen she slowly backed up. When he saw her he smiled and took a step towards her, she screamed and ran to the closet that held the bat, he looked shocked and took another step towards her. She screamed and held the bat in front of her "can, can you see me?" the man asked in a familiar voice, Lillian gasped. "Aiden?" she questioned, he nodded tears starting to form in his eyes, his wishes were coming true. "I swear to gods if this is a trick, I will kill you" he said knowing her sick humor that she used on everyone except those she truly cared about. Lillian walked forwards and poked him, it went straight through with little resistance. The elevator pinged and Magnus barged in an extravagant outfit with extra glitter. "Alright who's ready to go shop-" he exclaimed stopping mid sentence. staring at Aiden in shock "You got  boy and never told me?" Magnus yelled, mad, hurt, and excited Lillian decided to just stick her finger through him instead of telling Magnus who it was. Magnus froze. "will you knock that off! It feels really weird!" Aiden yelled at her and moved away, she just chuckled.  "Aiden?" Magnus asked Aiden nodded "ok biscuit you're off the hook, why didn't you just say your boyfriend was visible?" he said making her blush then sputter. "I like the sound of that" Aiden said at the same time Lillian said "absolutely not" 'does he like me?' she mentally asked herself. Aiden looked her straight in the eye "what will it take?" he asked she poked him. "for my finger to hit flesh, instead of air for it to be official. For now we can be it's complicated" she told him with a blush he smiled at her. Magnus squealed ruining the moment "I just witnessed my ship start to sail!" he said completely fanboying. The elevator door opened Alec entered looking tired  "hi Alec" Aiden said while Alec stared at him "Aiden?" he asked Aiden nodded "you guys see him too right?" he asked making everyone chuckle. Lillian poked Aiden "see what?" she asked "stop it!" he yelled and moved away making Magnus and Lillian laugh "yes babe we see him too and he is hot" Magnus said and kissed Alec's cheek they all laughed except poor Alec "don't worry I only have eyes for this idiot" Aiden said gesturing to Lillian "oh my gods stop poking me!" he said and would up groaning at the end of the sentence making Lillian chuckle "aww how sweet"  Lillian cooed at the same time as Magnus Aiden rolled his beautiful Windex colored eyes. "well as much as I would like to stay and stare... we gotta go" Magnus said everyone but Alec laughed and the three of them went to the elevator as Magnus assured Alec that he loved him and wouldn't be leaving him for a hot ghost because it would sink his ship... Magnus knew I was a touchy subject with Alec so he made sure to try and keep it light. Alec wasn't happy but he brushed it aside "in the elevator Magnus took Alec's hand "Alexander Gideon Lightwood I love you, not Aiden, not anyone else. I will forever love you, stop comparing yourself to others and thinking that you don't deserve me because it is the other way around. You are kind, smart, strong, athletic, hot, might not have good fashion sense but we can't be perfect. But you are pretty damn close" Magnus said Alec looked at him "no you're the amazing one-" Lillian could tell he was going to go on a whole rant like Magnus did "guys we get it you are an amazing couple and both are amazing people now, we have a shopping trip and Alec has stories to tell" she interrupted making both of them laugh.

The car drive to the mall was eventful, Alec told them the story of what happened at his parents house.

*flashback*    the night before at Alec's parents house  

Alec had packed his bag for one night "good luck Alexander, I love you" Magnus said kissing him goodbye "love you too Mags, I'll see you tomorrow and in case of emergency later today" Alec said kissing him back and left their apartment. He hailed a taxi and told the driver the address. Alec knocked on the door and soon it was opened by his sister Izzy. She stepped aside and hugged him when he entered the house "hi Alec, it's been a while! maybe we can go out sometime I need to time with a fellow fashion extraordinaire" she said referring to Magnus he rolled his eyes at his sister "you can talk to us at school, Jace does" Alec said  Izzy rolled her eyes "and deal with your sports friends no way" she scoffed. "Alexander, you're here. I see your sister failed to announce your arrival." Maryse said in a disappointed tone making both the siblings shut down from their former natural happiness and chatter.

"I cooked chicken and made a salad" Maryse said Alec nodded politely "that's great, thanks mom" he said formally. they sat down for dinner, "so I haven't met that boyfriend of yours" Robert said with disgust Alec bit his lip "yeah" he simply said "why don't you bring him next time" Robert persisted Alec sighed "I don't know" he said, in reality he hated the idea of his parents bashing Magnus. "you will let us meet your boyfriend, he will be coming to dinner" his father said "will his friend be able to come?" Alec asked knowing that Lillian will be able to at least do something. "are they gay?" his father asked rudely "no she is straight" Alec said "alright, are you sure she isn't his girlfriend?" his mother asked "you aren't much of a catch" his mother said. and Magnus wonders why he was so insecure... "they've been best friends since childhood, plus she's interested in someone" Alec said "Lillian's into someone?!" both Jace and Izzy exclaimed in surprise "you know this girl?" Maryse asked "she's amazing! She has a sharp tongue and doesn't put up with anything. She is really smart and level headed, if you can get her to trust you she is the best person to have on your side, she will risk her life for you." Jace said "not that I have fully gained her trust, only Magnus has managed that, but then again the same goes for him, he seems like everything is perfect but there are more layers otherwise Alec wouldn't be with him" Jace added "what is this, Magnus' front be?" Maryse asked disgust clear in her voice "completely put together, he seems confident in who he is and knows what he wants. He is really smart and is very flamboyant, glitter has to be his best friend other than Lil" Izzy said with a smile disappointment was clear in Maryse and Robert's facial expression was clearly disapproving and disgusted. All the younger lightwoods knew that it was going to be interesting because Lillian wouldn't put up with them trashing Magnus, even if Alec's siblings didn't jump in and if they started going after Lillian everyone would jump to he defense and Magnus would be ruthless. If they went after Alec they would both jump to his defense, when they wanted to be they could be a scary combination that all the Lightwood children had witnessed and never wanted to be on the receiving end of it. "this dinner will be in two days" Maryse said "what if they don't want to come?" Alec asked "then you will not be leaving this house, and your college days will be ending" Robert said making Alec fall silent. "so how are your grades?" Robert asked like they hadn't just threatened to ruin their son's future to get what they wanted, Lillian's argument of who loved him was becoming clearer with every visit.

*flashback over*        After Alec told them about everything 

"so how do you feel about meeting my parents?" Alec asked tentatively both Lillian and Magnus did not look happy. "I feel like the night of that dinner you're finally going to have to choose." Magnus said

They both knew that by the end Alec would have to choose between his parents and Magnus. Magnus was mentally preparing for loosing the love of his life.               

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