Chapter 7 The Trio

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Lloyds pov.


He was stunned, he couldn't believe his old best friend was right infront of him.

He slowly walked over to her his face filled with shock.

Who wouldn't be shocked?

The Guard pov.

Seeing The Quiet One, Harumi not too far from them he went infront of The Blonde Teenager, Lloyd other known as The Green Ninja.

"Don't get any closer Harumi"

He threatened pulling his katana out and pointing it at the female.

Harumi pov.

"W. Hey hey! Im not here to Harm him or you, im just wanting to say...Sorry".

"Im sorry i didn't believe you Lloyd, it really was The Great Devourers fault my parents are dead".

"You were right, and im sorry i resurrected your father".

"i was just so full of rage...I wanted revenge....So i did the one thing that i knew that would break you...".

Lloyd pov.


"Heh..I never thought I'd ever hear you say that, im sorry too"

He said as he motioned The Guard to move a little. When he did The Blonde Teenager walked over to The Light Blonde and pulled her into a tight hug.

Harumi pov.

"Never thought I'd say it either"

She chuckled but when The Blonde Teenager hugged her it was like deja-vu.


I was running across the flower field with My Best Friend but stopped, leaned down and picked up a light pink flower. Getting back up i turned around to The Female and put the flower in her hair a small smile appearing on my face. When the flower was placed in The Females hair her cheeks turned a pinkish red colour and she smiled. The Blonde Boy pulled her into a tight hug putting his head on her shoulder. Harumi smile got wider and he hugged The boy back resting her head on his shoulder like the boy was.

{End of Flashback}

Harumi pov.

Oh....Thats what it reminds me of....Heh...Those were some good days huh, ok lets get down to this.

"I wanna help you guys, i can't really do or say much cause of Garmadon being around...I'd most likely get punished".

She spoke honestly already letting go of The Blonde Teenager, Lloyd and sighed

"But I'll do the Best i can" she smiled.

Lloyd pov.

I let go of Harumi as well and listened to what she had to say

"Ok, Thanks Harumi. I really appreciate the help".

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