Chapter 2

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The Confused but furious female looked away when the Green ninja, Lloyd spoke.

He thinks he can just leave and come back expecting me to change!? No way.
Hearing him say he just wanted to be friends again made her mood change, but before she could say anything a Sons Of Garmadon Member came in.

"Emperor Garmadon request your presence Quiet One" The Male said wearing a jacket with a Sons of Garmadon symbol on the back.

He looked rather serious, looking over to the beat up Green Ninja made him smirk abit.

Harumi other known as the quiet one looked over to the Male when he spoke,

Oh Emperor Garmadon needs me wonder what for She thought.


looking back at Lloyd with a disgusted look but abit sad

"Take Him back to his cell".

She said letting got of the chains and walked out of the room.

"Yes Quiet One"

The Male responded walking up to the beat up Green Ninja, God he looked like Crap.

He thought and forced him up, pulling him out Of the room no guilt shown on his face.

Opening the cell he pushed him in and chuckled. Closing it and he walked away no regret.

Being pulled up and brought to the cell Lloyd grunted cause their was a cut on his knee that was pretty deep.

Lloyd sits up and leans against the cold stone wall shivering abit while he hugs himself looking up to the ceiling


Word count:371

Hey guys, So heres chapter two im sorry its short- like REALLY short but i kinda ran out of ideas so i hope the next Chapter will be better. I have an idea for it but I'll have to think about it, Anyway Bye!❤💚🖤

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