Chapter 4 The Plan

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As The Light Blonde almost white haired female walked down the hallways of Borg Tower she started thinking on how she could get Lloyd out.

She still couldn't believe that she found her childhood bestfriend, her lover. Her prince charming, i should've listened to him at first but rage had taken over me..Next time I'll think before i do something like resurrect a Dark Lord like Emperor Garmadon.

Emperor Garmadon pov-

Those pesky Elemental Masters sneaking around and thinking i don't notice them? I know everything!! They'll never get that damn Green Ninja who calls himself My son out.

As The Furious Oni was basically stomping around the hallways he saw a girl in black with very light blonde hair, Daughter.

I walk behind her noticing how detracted she looked "What do You Think Your Doing Harumi?!"i growl at her, just because shes my new Daughter doesn't mean she can stand around and do nothing!!

Harumi pov-

I could feel the cold air from behind me as i walked and was immediately startled when i heard that familiar dark and gloomy voice, Emperor Garmadon.

The Blonde almost white haired female turned around to be face to face with her Dark And Powerful Emperor.

"Oh My Emperor! I was just taking a walk to"

She had to think of an excuse for a second then it popped into her head

"To Clear My thoughts".

She said looking at the Furious Oni, she could tell he wasn't buying it and was immediately ready to be choked by his power, but that didn't happen.

Emperor Garmadon pov-

I could tell that Harumi was Lying and making up an excuse, Does she think I'm daft?! Im the Emperor most powerful being in the world! I can't be fooled.

The Oni thought as he grabbed the light blonde haired Teenager by her shirt lifting her off of her feet.

"Get..Back..To..Work..-Now!!!" i yell furiously at her, shes thinks she can be my daughter and just take breaks? No if she wants it so bad she'll work for it!! I thought as i drop her stomping off.

Harumis pov-

As i felt Garmadon grab me by my black shirt i was lightly lifted off the ground, trying to push his hands away cause it was slightly choking me.

"O-Ok My E.Emperor " She blurted out as she was let go of and fell to the ground.

She took a few breaths then fixed up the wrinkled part of her shirt from Garmadon grabbing her.

I slowly got up getting my balance then sighed in relief that he was gone

"Ok..." the female mumbled still abit tense then she got her game face on so her fear or sadness wouldn't show.

After awhile of getting her game face on she knew she was gonna have to find a way to get The Green Ninja, Lloyd out of here. And she had an idea, but she wanted to get in contact of the Resistance Lloyds friend's saying that she was gonna help them. Harumi walked into the control room seeing abonch of Sons Of Garmadon on computers trying to locate the Resistance, she walked over to the Schedule and looked around seeing if anyone was staring at her. Then she took the marker, rubbed off Mr'E for the Night watch then put her own code name 'The Quiet One'. As she was done she put the marker back where she found it, turned around and walked out of the control room.

Mystake pov-

"The Plan is when a guard walks by and if they look like they don't wanna be here you try and befriend them, and if they agree you might be able to get out of here faster. Cause we're not doing so well with a plan and if Skylor and the others get caught sneaking around Garmadon won't go easy on them".

The Nice Old Lady explains "Good luck Young Garmadon" she says giving him a nod and a smile assuring him that it'll turn out good in the end.

After she did she used her Oni Powers once again, turning into a rat and went out making sure not to be seen as she escaped Borg Tower.

Lloyd pov-

As i listen to the plan i nod abit following along, So i just need to get one of the Sons Of Garmadon on my side? It isn't easy but its worth a try. I don't wanna be in here longer than i have to.

The male thought "Ok, Thank you" i say smiling slightly, when i saw her leave i reach my hand up to my neck grabbing a hold of the chain around it and attempted to get it off but of course it didn't budge.

After awhile i gave up and just looked up to the ceiling gosh, where are you guys? I ask wondering where and when my friends were coming back.


Word count:826

Hey Guys its La-Lloyd!!
So heres Chapter 4! Im sorry it took so long i just couldn't think of an idea, but by the help of  i got my idea.
Anyway i hope you like this!
And if you have any ideas of what you want to be in the next chapter or other chapters please comment your idea!
Anyway, Bye Ninjas!!

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