Chapter 3

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       "Fuck guys, this is so creepy, how aren't you creeped out?" I ask the five, totally comfortable, hulking figures around me. They obviously don't answer. 

        Without talking, they head to the second level and walk into a conference room filled with various potted plants and a stone wall that has water flowing down it. I think it's supposed to give the room a welcoming feel but all I can pay attention to is the pit of dread in my stomach and the crawling sensation all over me. It's not like a crawling sensation on my skin, obviously because I don't have skin. It's more like a itchy vibration that fills me with nerves and makes me want to run as far away from this place as possible. 

      The guys all take various seats on the non waterfall side of the room at one end of the long conference table. None of them say a word, simply sit in silence while they're all lost in their individual thoughts. It doesn't take long before the eight counsel members make their way into the room, taking various chairs on the other side of the table. There are four witches and four warlocks that make up the counsel. Six out of the eight look like they just dug themselves out of their own tombstones by how ancient they look. Physically they look to be in their early 70's but it's the eyes that give away their true age. I'd say they'd have to be at least a couple hundred years old based on the energy crackling off of them. The younger two look to be in their late 50's and have the same sign of age in their eyes though I'd put them at a century old, give or take a few decades. Their energy still crackles around them but it's not as domineering as the others. 

        I float into the table to get a closer look at them even though everything in me is telling me to leave and get as far away as possible. The six older ones have auras that are black as night that swirl around them with menace, telling me that they're just as shitty as I thought they'd be based off the feel of this building alone. They still have strings of color that run throughout them, giving me a hint as to what they're feeling, but it's hard to decipher the flashes among the inky blackness. The younger two have dark auras as well but they have more noticeable flashes of color throughout, telling me that they're not as far gone as the older members are. 

       "Updates?" One of the older men ask. 

         He has greasy black hair that has large swaths of grey throughout and is pulled back at the nape of his neck. His dull brown eyes lack any sign of love or compassion and his jaw is set in a severe line. 

       "Not any major updates as of yet, Councilman Keyer." Forrest tells them. 

       "How can you not have any updates? You've been working on this for months and supernaturals are still going missing." One of the older women ask. 

        She's a heavy set woman with wild white curls surrounding her face. Her round, perpetually disappointed face, has a thin sheen of sweat covering it like the walk to get to the conference room had strained her. Her eyes are a dull, lifeless, green that flit between all of the guys. I watch her aura as she looks over my guys, flashes of dull red flitting throughout the inky blackness of her aura. Granted I've never been able to read a book on how to read auras so I don't really know what they are exactly, I just go off of instinct. My instincts have always told me that red isn't inherently bad, just like any other color besides black, but a dull or clouded version of that color generally points towards deep seeded issues. I just don't know what those issues are but I'm totally going to find out once I can use a book, or google. 

       "We are aware of that Councilwoman Narah. This is a heavily entrenched organization that has been been establishing itself for decades. It will take time to properly take them on." Forrest says. 

       "So no news at all? What good are you if you can't find anything new in the past month since we last saw you?" Another one of the older men asks. 

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