Chapter 31

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       "You rented this whole place out?" I ask in awe as I look up at the large, almost palatial, structure through the car windows. 

        I'm pretty sure I hear an answer from Forrest but I'm too busy gawking to pay attention. I'm still marveling at the outside of the building when all of a sudden we hit a downwards incline and then enter into a parking garage. I can't help but pout slightly that I've lost my view of the gorgeous building. He pulls the car up to an entrance door and shuts off the engine before getting out and opening my door, offering me a hand. I smile at him and allow him to help me out of the car before he's leading me inside. We make our way onto an elevator and he presses the button for the third floor. 

        "The third floor? Why not the first floor? I want to explore all of it." Then I pause, "What is this place exactly?" 

         He just smiles as the doors open. My breath catches as I look at wonder at what he's set up. There's a great big bed filled with comfy pillows and blankets nestled in among some of the most beautiful artwork I've ever seen. The walls are covered in impressionist pieces, color bouncing off of every canvas, highlighted by beautiful floating orbs that shine like stars in the air above us. 

       "How? What?" Is all I can get out as I look at the stunning beauty surrounding me. 

       I feel him squeeze my hand, "We helped a warlock out a while back and he owed us a favor." He smiles down at me and I can't help but smile back, "I asked the guys if they were okay with me using the favor like this and they were fine with it." He chuckles, "Just mad they didn't come up with it themselves." He motions to the room, "This is one floor of Maverick's art collection." He laughs when I just stare at him in shock, "Let's just say warlocks and dragons have some things in common, the hoarding of expensive treasures being at the top of the list." 

        He leads me to the middle of the room before picking up a small remote of some sort and pressing a button. Soon the room is filled with classical music, making the entire scene picturesque and perfect. I can't help but tear up a little as I look at all the beauty surrounding me, beauty I never thought I'd have the privilege to really be a part of. When I look up at Forrest again he's smiling softly down at me. He reaches out and pulls me into him and I go willingly, burying my head in his chest and wrapping my arms around him. 

       "So I take it you like it?" He asks, a little bit of insecurity in his tone. 

       I can't help but snort, "Well fucking duh." I say through a teary laugh, "It's perfect and beautiful and I love it." 

       "Still not as beautiful as you." He murmurs, kissing the top of my head and my heart melts into a puddle.

        Not liking how emotional this is getting because, don't get me wrong I love emotions but, I still don't know how to handle all of mine yet and I'd rather not start bawling in this idyllic setting. I look up at him, my chin resting on his chest and a smirk on my lips. 

      "Who would have thought the stoic Forrest could pull off such a romantic gesture." I look out into the room again then back up at him and his sweater wearing sexiness. A fire that burst into life when I saw him earlier today comes roaring back. "Now can we have sex? I would say let's explore first but I wouldn't be paying attention to the art if we did that. Not with your ass in those jeans anyway." My hands run down his back to rest on his wonderfully sculpted ass, before giving it a squeeze. Seriously, there's just something about a man looking so fucking edible in everyday clothes that just gets to me. 

        I squeak as he picks me up bridal style and tosses me onto the bed. When I'm done flailing among the pillows I look up to see him slowly making his way to me, a naughty smirk on his face. He pulls me to him and rests so his body is on top of mine, his arm to one side of my head, keeping most of his weight off of me. I can't help myself as I reach out and try to wriggle my hands under his shirt to feel his sculpted abdomen. Before I reach my goal though his free hand snags both of mine as he clicks his tongue. 

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