Chapter 32

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       I wake up to the feeling of freezing cold water being poured on me. I open my eyes spluttering and try to move when a booted foot kicks me square in the stomach knocking all the breath out of me. I look around and see a small metal, well rusted, room. There are a few small barred windows and a pair of legs between me and the door, well I guess no walking out of here for me then. I back up until I feel a wall behind me and attempt to call a weapon to me so I can fight back. As it forms in my hand though excruciating pain rips through my body and my magic retreats back inside of me. I scream as needles erupt in to being along my bones and my blood feels like it's turned to acid. I hear someone laugh as the pain eases I look up to see Asigr standing above me, smiling triumphantly. 

       "Don't try using your magic, girl." He says, "That band around your neck might make it a little," He squats down to my level, "difficult." He reaches out to touch the metal band I forgot about and I bring my hand up to slap his away. 

        My movements are slow and sluggish due to the unbearable cold and the pain but I still manage to get his filthy hand away from me. He just chuckles before reaching for me again, his hand managing to grab a chunk of hair and pull. I refuse to cry out, not wanting to give him the satisfaction as he drags me into a standing position before slamming me up against the wall. 

       "Well hello there again, Iris. Or should I say, Raven?" He says as I feel the wound on the back of my head reopen, "It's been a long time. I thought we had lost you for good." His hand reaches up to trace along my cheek and I attempt to pull my face away but fail as my scalp protests, "After the complex we kept you at burned to ash, we searched everywhere for you. After not finding you for a decade we assumed you dead." He slams me against the wall once more and I meet his eyes again, "Should have known you can't kill a cockroach that easily though." 

        I smile at him before spitting at him. I smile as it lands on his face and his hand leaves my hair. I keep standing, knowing that's a better tactical position over huddled on the floor. My legs shake as the cold seeps into my bones. Why the fuck is it so goddamn cold? The back of his hand meets my face and I press myself against the wall, using it as a support to stay standing as I recover from the blow. 

        "What the hell do you even want with me?" I can't help but ask. This whole time that's the biggest question I've had in my brain. I get they want my abilities but they should have realized that's impossible by now. Why keep trying?

        He chuckles again as he stands closer and I hate my body for wanting to fall against him for the warmth he provides. I can see our breath in the air and my soaking wet clothing is doing nothing to keep me warm. I stand shivering as he looks me over, smiling that creepy as fuck smile. 

        "We've always wanted one thing from you. Your power. Only the direct blood of a God can open the cage we so desperately want opened." He tuts, "You know so little, girl. Do you not remember your studies of Dolus? The god trapped beneath the mountain?" 

         I just blink at him, hating that I'm missing half a life worth of knowledge. He smiles as understanding dawns on him.

         "That was the price, wasn't it?" He asks, "For you to be free you had to give up everything?" He laughs, delighted, "Oh this is going to be fun. You see Dolus was imprisoned after the humans killed his other half, his sister, Apate. They had, let's just say... a special relationship." It takes everything I have not to gag at that mental picture, "She started a little war and the humans rebelled, killing her using abilities gained from the other planes of existence. You see, that's how most supernaturals came into being. In the human's desperation they sent people through the gates when they were still open almost a millennia ago to find a way to kill Apate. Eventually the humans emerged again but were different than before. They could wield fire, stone, and other magicks. Soon the war reached the Gods who still resided on this plane before they separated for good. The gods that fought with humans granted more gifts, thus causing the creation of entire races like that pathetic gargoyle of yours and witches such as yourself." I grit my teeth at the insult, wanting to pummel him for it but knowing I don't have the strength, "Other gods sided with Dolus, opening up a gateway to hell on this plane and recruiting demons to fight."

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