Chapter 38

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        I wake up to feather light touches on my cheek and when I open my eyes I see Kei hovering above me as he moves a piece of hair off my face. When his eyes meet mine he smiles and I can't help but smile back.

       "You've been asleep for a few hours," He pulls away and sits up, his eyes leaving mine as they cut to the door, "your mates will be here soon."

       I smile, "Oh, finally!" I pout a little, "I need to get back to full strength." I crane my head up at him and squint, "If any of you think you will be walking out of here unmated, you would be mistaken. I am in orgasm deficit and I have 3 mates I have yet to fully claim."

       As I think of all of my guys being here and all of us being mated I can't help the joy that wells up in me. I wiggle a bit in excitement before sitting up myself and swinging my leg over Kei's lap so I'm straddling him. I can't help the sharp intake of breath that escapes me at the pain that ripples through me at the movement. I hadn't noticed it while lying down but after that stunt I can feel every ache and pain. I sit there for a minute and let everything settle while taking stock of my body. Everything fucking hurts. Kei sees my discomfort as soon as my breath catches and he reaches out, putting a hand on my cheek before he gently brings me against him so my upper body is resting on his.

       "Are you okay, Kitten?" He asks, his hands slowly stroking my back, taking my mind off the lingering pain. 

      I nod against his chest, "Yeah I'm still just sore, my ribcage is bothering me." 

      He sighs before gritting his teeth angrily, "You have a cracked rib still." I know his anger isn't directed at me but at the fact someone hurt me. Which honestly makes me want to continue what I had planned on doing when I initially straddled him. I wanted to explore him, taste him, and get to know him on a deeper level but my stupid body decided otherwise. Then I register what he said regarding my ribs.

      "I do?" I ask, this is news to me, "Whatever Ceto gave to me must have worn off." I groan as I move different parts of my body to test for soreness, "Yeah, definitely wore off. I feel like I got hit by a truck."

       We hear a knock at the door before Kei calls for them to come in. Ceto pops her head in and smiles, walking towards us. 

      "We have about an hour or so until your other mates arrive." She says, "I brought you something for the pain and I thought you might like a bath?" 

       I nod, "Oh gods, fuck yes." I practically moan at the idea of being clean again. I can feel the grime and salt water stuck to me from the past few days without a proper bath or shower. Then I inhale and cringe, "Yeah, I can smell myself. Gross." 

       I groan as I move to get off Kei. He helps as I get situated, seated at the edge of the bed, my legs draped over the side. Then Ceto starts handing me shit.

      "This is some tea, I gave it to you earlier as well, it'll help replenish your magic. This next one is a little bit unpleasant." I take a sip and cringe at the taste, "But it has everything your body needs to heal as well as help manage the pain. I've reached out to the Undine in our residence currently, her healing abilities will have you feeling better in no time but she has a long way to travel so it may be after the rest of your men are here." By the time she's done I have finally chugged the disgusting smoothie like thing and am now focusing on not puking.

       Then it's time to move into the bathroom. I stand up and Kei stands next to me, ready to catch me if I fall. When I don't pass out or anything I turn to Ceto and wait for her to lead the way. She walks across the room, hovers her hand over a crystal embedded in the wall, and a door seems to pop out of the wall before sliding to the side. I follow her in, giving one last smile to Kei before I turn to take in the beautiful bathroom.

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