Chapter 42

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        When we emerge from the grow room I feel all the guy's eyes lock on me. When I'm finally able to tear my eyes away from Drazik's delectable ass, I meet all of their stares as they all give me some sort of smirk or wink as they relax where they're seated. Then I realize what they're seated on.

        "Wait, what the fuck?" I ask, motioning to the velvet couches everyone is now seated on. Then I get distracted by the deliciousness set out in the middle of the group, "Oh is that a lemon tart?" I ask, ignoring everything else because, well food.

        I hear Ceto laugh, "Well we know what her priorities are." 

       "Trust me," Forrest sighs, "You don't want her to get started on her priorities."

        I chuckle as I grab a lemon tart and squeak a little when I'm scooped up off my feet and deposited onto a lap. When the smell of damp forest and fresh air fills my lungs I don't even have to look to know it's Drazik. I simply rest my back against the armrest of the couch, lean into his chest, and bring my feet across so they're resting on Kieran's lap. 

         Once I'm comfortable and have some more food in me I look around at the room again. There's no sign of a giant dining room table or chairs. Now it's just a ring of incredibly lush and comfortable velvet couches in various jeweled tones. In the center of the ring of couches is a large round coffee table of sorts filled with various baked goods and all the makings of a good cup of tea. The school of fairy lights in the room have decided to hover above and around our seating area, giving the space a cozy feel. 

        My eyes roam over the tea pot and start thinking about getting up to make myself a cup when I feel a hand snake around the side of my neck gently as a kiss lands on top of my head. The scent of a warm grassy meadow and green tea fills my senses before Em gently squeezes my neck and I look directly up at him to meet his gaze, resting my head on his lower stomach. 

       "I'll make you a cup, darling." Before I can say anything he leans down and kisses my forehead, "1 london fog, coming right up." He pulls away from me and I can't help but sigh as warmth spreads through me at his thoughtfulness. 

       That's what I love about all my guys, honestly. They take care of me and genuinely want me to grow into whoever and whatever I want to be. They'll be at my back through all of it, loving and supporting me not only through words, but in action as well. Knowing I need to be taking care of them as well I run my eyes over each and every one of them and see the exhaustion pulling at all of us. 

        I kiss the underside of Draz's chin before I get up and make my way to the coffee table and start piling snacks up on a plate. By the time I'm done and standing up straight I notice Em with two cups of steaming hot tea in his hands. I smile at him, balancing the heaping plate of goodies on one hand as I reach to take the cup he has extended out to me. Once it's securely in my grasp I make eye contact with each and every one of my guys. 

       "It's time for a cuddle puddle." I take a step towards Ceto and Shaira then realize my hands are full, "Well I would hug you but I don't want to risk the food. Girls lunch tomorrow then maybe some magic lessons?" I ask, wiggling my eyebrows towards the end at Ceto. 

        "Of course, cousin." Ceto says, smiling. 

        I look at Dre, raising a questioning brow and he nods in the affirmative, knowing what I'm asking. Once I have his agreement I turn to Shaira and tell her, "I'll be bringing Dre with so we can have a little tour. I figure, while you may have never physically seen the castle, you probably know it better than most and this way we can discover it together." 

      I watch her suck in a sharp breath and she blinks rapidly and nods her head, "That would be wonderful, highness. Thank you." 

       I roll my eyes then realize she can't see me doing that, "Well, just so you know, I totally rolled my eyes at that highness remark. My name is Raven, please don't ever feel like you have to call me by any title, we are equals and I wish to be addressed as such."

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