Chapter 45

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       My nose wakes me up and before I know it I'm sitting up in bed before my brain has time to fully process anything. I fight to open my eyes, barely registering the two arms sliding down my torso to rest in my lap from where they were resting on my upper stomach and chest. The touch of them grounds me and I blink as my brain wakes up a little more. I look to see Dre and Ki-ki to either side of me and the sleepiness recedes even more when I think of what the three of us could get up to right at this moment. Almost as if they had heard what I thought, they both groan and their hands move until they're around my thighs, squeezing lightly. The only thing that distracts me from the heat growing in my lower belly is a movement farther away from the bed. What was it that woke me up? I think to myself, inhaling deeply. My head turns and my eyes immediately snap to the source of the mouth watering scent and the words are out before I can even consciously form them.

       "Bacon?" I ask as my eyes land on Em and Forrest setting the table, a large platter of bacon sitting in the middle. I ignore the fact that a table somehow has made its way into the room overnight and begin my crawl over the bodies in the bed to get to the table. Bacon means more food is coming and I need the best position at the table if I am to be the breakfast champion.

       I hear a few oofs and groans as my knees and hands land on various body parts. I distractedly throw out some apologies as I slide off the side of the bed, my feet hitting the cold stone floor, making me pause. The minute they do, like a demon trying to escape it's flesh prison, a full body shiver takes over. Sighing, I pause to envision some big fluffy socks on my feet. Is it taking from my mission of breakfast champion? Yes but also, comfy socks. The magic flows out of me immediately and I smile sleepily at the newfound ease that seems to have occurred since fully mating. Usually I had to work at making sure I manifested clothing onto only myself. With how erratic my power levels were before there was always a chance whatever I end up envisioning for myself could also replace whatever the clothing the guys were wearing. This time though? This time was like breathing. 

        I make my way sleepily to the table and take a seat, grabbing the plate of bacon and putting it in front of me. As I munch on a piece I look inside of myself and reach out to my magic. Instead of having to wrestle the magic in the direction I wanted it to go with pure force of will, I watch as the glowing mass of power inside of me seems to almost mimic my movements, reaching out to me as I reach for it. I wonder what fully mating has done for the guys and their newly gained abilities. I watch as Ki-ki, Dre, and Drazik slowly get out of bed and can't help but smile at their messy hair and sleepy expressions. 

       "Good morning, darling," Em says as he leans down and kisses the top of my head, setting what I'm assuming is a London fog beside me. I can't pay attention to that though as his shirtless torso on full display and the bacon I'm munching on is entirely forgotten as I get lost in the beauty of his mate mark. 

        "I love when you guys are shirtless in the morning." I say, loving the sight of my mark on all of them. When Kei comes walking out of the bathroom, his hair is still wet and his shorts are slung low on his hips, making me want to taste him instead of breakfast right in that moment. 

       When he turns to throw a towel over a hook on the wall I simply smile as I enjoy the look of my mating mark on him as well. I wonder at the metal chain tattooed into his skin from right wrist to right shoulder, a wicked looking spiked metal ball hanging off the end of it.. Not understanding how I had no idea he had that, especially seeing as he's made me cum multiple times already. I feel like I should have noticed that. Does it make me a shitty mate that I didn't notice it?

       I watch the rounded table fill up quickly as Forrest and Em settle to either side of me, Drazik and Kei across from me and Kieran and Dre sit in the remaining two chairs. My eyes remain locked on Kei and I allow my eyes to see past normal perception, looking into his aura to see if this is a new addition to his mate marks. The wisps of purple intermingled with gold and silver don't show up anywhere on his aura except for along his back where my mating mark is. The color that seems to be radiating from the chain, standing out from his usual sky blue, is a dull grey. Somehow, whatever it is, is blocking its aura from my vision somehow. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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