⚝Chapter Thirteen⚝

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Hey guys! I just wanted to say thank you all for reading this series! Trickle, Flow, and Rush mean the world to me, and I'm glad I can share it with you all. I also wanted to say that I'm going to update this book twice a week now, on Monday and Friday. I'm really excited for the end (which I have written already lol) and I want to get there quicker lol. Again, thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story!

Shaking off the fear from seeing the messenger hawk, Konno spent the rest of the day with Katara and Aang while Sokka and Toph went back out to the town

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Shaking off the fear from seeing the messenger hawk, Konno spent the rest of the day with Katara and Aang while Sokka and Toph went back out to the town. She mainly stayed quiet while Aang and Katara talked because her mind was racing. Why did seeing that bird scare her so much? It wasn't like there were much birds at the Northern Water Tribe, so she didn't have a bad experience with any to make her act like that. Or maybe it was because there weren't any birds at the Northern Water Tribe, so she didn't know how to act around birds. It had to be that because there was no plausible reason for her to act like that.

Her mind was still racing when Sokka and Toph finally returned back to their campsite from the town. Their arms were loaded with money instead of items. Aang and Katara's conversation dwindled down, and Katara crossed her arms over her chest. She hadn't spoken about her rift with Toph all day, so Konno assumed she was still angry.

"Well, look who decided to join us," Katara said to them. "Where have you two been? Off scamming again?"

"Yes, we were," Toph said matter-of-factly. Konno rolled her eyes; she didn't really like that they were still scamming. Maybe it was the remnants of the Princess in her, but she didn't think it was right to rob people, even if they weren't good people.

"And I supposed you don't think what you're doing is dangerous at all?" Katara asked.

"No, I don't," Toph answered.

"Really?" Katara asked.

"Yes, really." Toph started sounding really annoyed with Katara's intense questioning. Katara was a little scary when she acted like that, and Konno was glad that she hadn't gotten on her bad side.

"Well then, what's this?" Katara flourished a piece of paper in front of Toph's face. Konno caught a glimpse of Toph on the paper. She didn't know what it was, but it didn't look good.

"I don't know!" Toph yelled. "I mean, seriously, what's with you people! I'm blind!"

"It's a wanted poster of you," Katara explained. Konno's eyes widened. That wasn't good. What if they found her and then realized that Aang was actually alive and not dead like the rest of the world thought? "'The Runaway.' Is that what you're called now? Are you proud of this?"

"Where did you get that?" Toph asked angrily. Her fists were clenched as she faced off with Katara. 

"It doesn't matter where I got it," Katara said quickly. "The fact is -"

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