Curious As Hell!

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Calculus! The subject says it all, I mean I'm pretty much good at it, approaching straight A's in it, beacuse honestly this subjects seems to take less time in understanding the concepts instead of taking hours to go through the theories of other subjects.

This is the only subject to which I pays my attention completely, but now, she was messing with my head.

A complete stranger, that too a girl, comes and sit besides me, offers her shoulder for me to lean on and on the plus point, she knew my name too.

Okay, knowing my name isn't a big deal beacuse of my badass reputation, but still being so bold in front of the guy who is titled as the trouble for the college was something commendable.

No one in the campus tries to be friends with me except for Dan, he's my bestfriend and we often don't share same classes. The only class in which we meet is literature and that too he took for my sake.

We both are the devils with whom no one messes and avoid as much as they can. We usually take our seats at the last of the classes and sits on the corner table in the lunch, those are our permanent places and no one even roam around there.

I usually come in my car but at the moments like these, when I'm tired, need a nap because of the last moment assignments of literature, I opt to take the bus for the sake of my safety. Okay, who am I kidding? Just to make other students terrified and yeah, for my dear sleep. I like to sleep a lot, only one thing that's common in me and girls beacuse it is like really escaping the real life.

After all dreams are better than this artificial world.

But today's nap, that was something that I haven't had in a while. Her shoulder felt comfortable, as if I was leaning on someone who belongs to me. As if that she brought my peace with her and just like in the dreams, she left like that angel without even mentioning her name.

But something about her air makes me feel like I've seen her before. That little bag of her's is something that I tend to see every other day. But where, was a question mark.

I look at the folder file of my assignment and a faint smile appears on my face.

The bell goes on and everybody rushed out to escape the torture of calculus.

I walked lazily towards the end of the hall, not so excited because I knew what's going to happen in there. Mrs. Lucas will probably blurb out something about her new topic and will definitely not like my work, pointing how weak I am at this subject.

The only reason I've taken this was to grab some points to raise my grade that I needed to balance them with structures.

As usual I enter the class and Dan waves at me from the back, and I directly walks up towards him.

Giving him our typical bro hug, I plopped down on my seat. Taking out the folder I kept that on the table. Mrs. Lucas enters and she immediately started with her lecture claiming that we were lagging.

"You look peaceful when you are asleep.
That brown locks of your thick hair when falls on your forehead makes you look even more hot. I doesn't understand the reason behind everyone avoiding you, but, I must say, you're quite interesting, looking forward to have more encounters with you. Aaron Dallas. I think like your name already." Dan reads out from the note beside me.

My eyes goes wide in surprise and I immediately snatch that chit from him. Reading the note again, I feel her voice inside my head shouting that words loud from that peice of paper. Her writing was cursive and follows a certain pattern of slant.

"Woah man! Who gave you that?" Dan inquires teasingly.
"From where did you got this?" I ask him.
"You dropped it from your folder." He says and I lean back on my seat wondering about her.

Oh God! She's something different. Now this note from her made me more curious as hell!

I immediately open it again in search of any hint of her that she could've left behind, but there was none.
The way she wrote my name made me fall in love with my name and I felt the urge of her calling it again.

Crazy? Yep, she made me feel like that.

"Who is she?" He nudges me.
"I doesn't know. She came out of nowhere in the bus and disappeared before I could track her. She's a mystery. I want to know her." I tell him, more to myslef.

The hour went out in complete anticipation of meeting her again and it was Mrs. Lucas who called me out and made me come back to reality.

"Mr. Dallas, you need to work on your homework. I'm appointing you on a tuition, under one of my best students. This time you need to raise your points."
"I'm sorry for making you go through this struggle ma'am, but I don't think so that I need one. I'll do it by myself." I try to avoid her offer of tutorial because I know she'll probably fix me up with Catherine and honestly I don't wanna scare that kid.

"I've enough of your excuses, here. Contact on this number. This will be really helpful." She says leaving no room for argument and hands me a note on which some number was scribbled under the name Remi.

I huff in anger and crumble the note to throw it in the corner of my bag and leave the room.
I hear Dan catching up behind me, but I signal him to stop and he knows very well to not proceed.

God knows when this literature will leave me?

I, Aaron Dallas will take tuitions? And that too from some average chick?



Ooooo! Seems like Mr. Dallas is one of those hotheaded persons.

Well, the curiosity increased, but I hope it doesn't gets faint under the heat of tutorials.
By the way he really needs it.

Stay tuned. To see what he does. Don't forget to like, comment and share

Xoxo. Fariya

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