My Best Frenemy Forever

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♥♥♥My Best Frenemy Forever♥♥♥



"Eric, stop it!" I cried indignantly. He chuckled but didn't stop. I clutched at my stomach as he tried to tickle me more.

"Tell me who you like then!" he insisted.

"No! I will never tell you!"

"Then I hope you enjoy being tickled because I'm not gonna stop until you tell me." he told me, a small smile on his face.

"Okay, okay. I'll tell you if you stop tickling me." I surrender, a plan already forming in my mind.

"Promise?" he asks.

"I swear." I say, crossing my fingers behind my back.

The tickling stops immediately. "I like..." I whisper, getting close to his face. His pupils are dilated and his breathing quickens.

"Who?" he questions breathlessly.

"You." I breathe when my face is merely inches away from his. He touches his forehead to mine and laces our fingers together.

"Really?" he asks. I look deeply into his eyes and lean in as if I were going to kiss him. I let my lips brush against his once and he shudders.

"No!" I say smirking and run away, laughing. His cheeks turn bright scarlet and for a second, I think I see disappointment in his eyes. But it was gone in half a second, I couldn't be sure I saw it.

"I'm going to get you for that Ali!" he yells and I just laugh.

"You... Should've seen... Your... Face!" I gasp. He rolls his eyes and puts his fist out for a fist bump. I know he means our secret handshake. We go through the sequence and say at the same time, "Best frenemies forever!"

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