Why Do You Care?

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♥ ♥ ♥MBest Frenemy Forever ♥ ♥ ♥

"Why do you have such a problem with me being a player, Ali?" Eric asks in exasperation.

We'd been fighting about this for days now. I wouldn't let him come over to my house and I wouldn't go over to his. I avoided him in school and whenever he texted me, I ignored him. But now, he caught me. I'd been walking home from the park, using the long way through the alley because I needed time to think. As I rounded the corner, Eric came out of no where and grabbed my wrist. And here we were.

I took a small step back from him but he just moved with me. There was barely any room between us at all. My heart beat quickened as I studied the intensity of his eyes. "I just think it's wrong." I said quietly.

"What is so wrong about wanting to find the right one?"

I scoff. "Breaking all those girls' hearts... Pretending that they mean something, saying all those beautiful things about them... Once you tell them that you're breaking up with them, everything you ever said, even if you meant it, will instantly be nothing. They'll always think you lied. And they'll be that much more hesitant with the next guy."

"It's not like I'm breaking your heart, Alison! Why do you care how I treat other girls?" he yells, using my full name. I flinch.

"Don't yell at me." I whisper. He lets go of my hand and takes a few steps back before attempting to hit the closest thing to him. Which is a wall.

"Shit!" he yells and pulls the hand he threw at the wall to his chest in pain.

"Why would you hit a solid brick wall?" I ask, feigning amusement. He glowers at me, still clutching his hand.

"Can I just have my best frenemy back?" he asks in surrender.

I purse my lips. "I guess." I give in reluctantly. He takes two long strides towards me and crushes me in a hug. His chin lays on the crown of my head. I can vaguely hear his steady heart beat as my head lies on his chest.

"I missed you," he murmurs placing a small peck on my forehead. I gaze up at him. His brown eyes are smoldering and his dark hair is tousled from him running his hands through it, something he only did when he was worried...

"What were you worrying so much about?" I ask idly, running my fingers through his hair.

"I was worried about losing you." he admits, not looking into my eyes. I smile a little.

I hear thunder rumbling over us and I look up at the sky as the first rain drops begin to fall. I look back at him and for a minute, from the look in his eyes, I think he's going to kiss me. He searches my eyes for a second and then shakes his head. He takes a step back and for a fleeting moment, I'm disappointed. Because, in that instant, I kind of wished he had.

♥ ♥ ♥

"Ali, I need a favor..." Eric starts.

"What?" I put my hand on my hip.

"There's a party tonight..." I roll my eyes.


"Will you go with me?" he asks in almost a whisper.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because I asked you to?" he suggests.

"What happened to Louisa?"

He frowns disapprovingly. "You know what happened."

"Oh! So you broke up with her and she called you a sick bastard and slapped you?" I ask, pretending to be surprised.

My Best Frenemy Forever [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now