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❤❤❤My Best Frenemy Forever❤❤❤

~Third Person~

Alison Elizabeth Campbell floated gracefully down the aisle in her gorgeous wedding dress, train trailing behind her and veil covering her face. Eric looked at the girl that he had fallen head over heels for as she took step after step, gradually getting closer to where he stood. She finally reached him and he took her hands in his own.

Alison didn't even realize that she was crying until it was time to say the binding words. "I do," Eric's voice rang with happiness and a sense of victory. His grin was the one an outrageously lucky winner would wear when receiving their prize.

"I do." Ali managed to choke out.

"You may now kiss the bride." The pastor said as Eric pressed his lips slowly to Alison's.

Alison vowed to always remember this day. As long as she lived and even after she died. Flashbulbs clicked feverishly as they kissed. It was the most beautiful wedding anyone could ever ask for.


A little girl with dark brown hair and striking blue eyes ran around the yard, chasing after her brother with his pale, cornsilk blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes. A young woman and her husband sat on the porch with their ice tea, watching their children play as the sun set just over the horizon. They held hands and listened to the laughter of their son and daughter, the crickets, cicadas, and birds.

The young woman turned to glance at the man that she had called her best frenemy forever. The man that would always know her better than anyone else. The man that would constantly tease her, but would always be there for her no matter what in the end.

"I love you, Eric." She whispered.

"I love you too, Ali." He responded and stuck out his fist. Alison grinned and at the end of their secret handshake, they both yelled,

"Best Frenemies Forever!" in high, falsetto voices.

Some things would never change.

❤❤❤The End❤❤❤

A/N: Well, I guess this is a goodbye to Alison and Eric <3

If you read it and liked it, vote and comment! I've been writing for other stories and this could've been a much better epilogue, but I think this one is short, sweet, and to the point and I hope you can forgive me for being such a horrid writer towards the end. I'll try to do better in my new stories.... I would like to thank @DarknessMoon0323 especially for always being there for my stories and leaving such nice comments on them (: I hope you continue reading my stories!

I'd like to thank everyone else too. You're all amazing fans <3 Thanks, loves --xx

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