Whipped Cream with Cherries on Top

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♥My Best Frenemy Forever


I sat in the diner, hands folded on top of the table, waiting for Ali. "Are you sure I can't help you with anything?" a girl with copper colored hair, golden freckles, and cinnamon brown eyes asked.

"No, thank you. I'm waiting for someone." I smile at her. She rolls her eyes at me but walks away. That's when I see a girl with pale blonde curls and the most amazing blue eyes that can make you melt in a second. She's wearing her favorite Abercrombie sweatshirt that I got her for her birthday last year. I smile, remembering how excited she had been. She looks up and sends me a dazzling smile before sitting across from me.

"Hey," she greets me happily.

"Hi." I say back. 

A few minutes later, the waitress comes back with a wide smile on her face. "Now can I get you anything?" she asks.

I smile back at her. "Sure, what would you like, Ali?" I ask her across the table. She ponders for a moment while looking at the menu.

"Hmm, I'll take a piece of apple pie." she says.

"Would you like whipped cream with that?" the girl asks.

"Yes, please. And could you put a cherry on top too?" she says eagerly.

"Yep, I can do that. How 'bout you?" she looks over at me.

"Uh, I'll take a banana split sundae." I say uncertainly.

"Okay, I'll be back with your food in a couple minutes." she chirps as she walks away.

"Why couldn't you sleep?" I ask Ali as soon as the waitress is out of ear shot.

Ali looks down at the table for a long moment. "I just couldn't. I was tired but it felt like I had to do something." she shrugs. "I know, that sounds stupid."

Actually, in my mind, it doesn't. What was I doing right before I got her text? Oh, yeah, I was thinking about how tired I was but how much I couldn't sleep.

"It doesn't sound stupid." I blurt out. 

She glances up at me, a strand of her perfect blonde hair falls into her eyes. "It doesn't?" she inquires curiously.

"No, it doesn't... I was thinking the same thing when I got your text." I admitted.

"That's weird." she says and I laugh.

"Yeah, I know." the girl comes back with a tray in her hands. One plate has a delicious looking piece of apple pie with whipped cream and a cherry on it and the other has my banana split sundae on it. I inhale deeply and smell the cinnamon-y aroma wafting off the pie.

"Here you go," the girl smiles at each of us.

"Thank you," I say before she can walk away.

Ali picks up her fork and slices a small portion of the pie onto it. She puts it into her mouth, closing her eyes and sighing in contentment. I take a bite of my sundae and after a few minutes of eating, I look up to see Ali with some whipped cream on her nose. I begin to chuckle and she looks up at me.

"What?" she asks.

"You have whipped cream on your nose." I murmur.

"Will you get it for me, please?" she asks me quietly.

I reach over the table, making it look like I'm going to wipe it off with my napkin. Instead, I pick up her cherry and plop it on top of the whipped cream on her nose.

"Hey!" she cries indignantly. I guffaw loudly.

"You look so cute!" her cheeks turn pink as she picks the cherry off her nose and wipes the whipped cream away.

"You're ridiculous, Eric." she rolls her eyes.

"But I'm your favorite kind of ridiculous." I remind her. She shrugs her shoulders at me, an impish grin on her face.

After we finish our snacks, we walk outside and I see that her mom's car isn't in the parking lot.

"Don't tell me you walked all the way here." I groan.

"Uhh..." she trails off.

"You're coming with me," I say, grabbing her arm. When we get into the car, I remember when she told me to get out so she could kiss me. And automatically thinking about it, makes me want it to happen again. So I struggle to get it out of my mind.

I threw a wish in the well,

Don't ask me; I'll never tell

I looked to you as it fell

and now you're in my way.

I hear the lyrics to Call Me Maybe so I blast the volume and sing as awfully as I can. Ali sings with me, laughing at my bad voice.

"We're here," I say regretfully, pulling in front of her house.

"Bye, Eric." she whispers softly, looking in my eyes. I hope they tell her that I love her more than anything else in the world. And I hope they say I want her to lean in a little closer so we can kiss before she leaves. For a moment, I think she sees this. Because she does incline her head closer towards me. I move forward too. There are literally only about four inches between our faces when she seems to snap out of it. She blinks rapidly and pulls back. I lean back too, facing the windshield, looking at anything but her.

Rejection itself hurts. But rejection from that one person that you love is even worse and it feels like the aching pain will never cease. The only way it can possibly be fixed is if she finally loves me too.

It's just a shame that that will never happen. I sigh. "Bye, Ali." she searches my facial expression for a minute, trying to figure out my sudden change of mood. I look away before she can find anything though. She gives up and shuts the door, running up the steps to her house. She looks back at me once she opens the door. Like she's deliberating coming back. She bites her lip and then walks in the door, leaving me alone.

I feel tears welling up but I will them to not fall. I won't cry. I'm stronger than that. Especially after all I've been through. By the time I get home, the tears are still there but I convince myself that they've disappeared. That there isn't a valid reason for me to be upset. I walk into my room and flop down on my bed. And then I remember when I brought her here after that party and when she woke up, she was panicking because she thought we'd slept together.

I wish the look in her eyes hadn't been relief when I told her we didn't. I throw my head in my hands and try to fall asleep. I roll over to the side and stare at the wall until I finally slip into a dreamless sleep.

♥My Best Frenemy Forever

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