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❤❤❤MBest Frenemy Forever❤❤❤


There would never be a greater girl than Alison Elizabeth Campbell. It just wasn't possible. Her blonde hair flowed down her back luxuriously in a silvery waterfall and her eyes sparkled like the blue sapphires that they were. Her pale skin was perfectly smooth and soft and her smile could make anyone stop dead in their tracks. She had everything a teenage girl could ever want.

I remembered that day so long ago when we first met. It was the first day of Kindergarten and our teacher told us to pick a partner. Everyone ran to grab their best friend and the only two people who were left were a girl with two fish tail braids in her long, blonde hair and me.

"Hey, you want to be partners?" I asked her uncertainly. She scrutinized me carefully.

"Not really," she answered.

"C'mon. We're the only two left." I tried to persuade her. She looked around the room, trying to prove me wrong.

"Fine." she sighed dramatically.

That was the day we became frenemies. We always partnered up and did projects together, but we also got on each other's nerves a lot.

I was the type to leave things go until the last minute and she was my complete opposite, getting homework assignments done on the first day they were given out.

Needless to say, she was the one who did most of the projects. Until third grade anyway.

Alison slammed her pencil down on the desk in my room as I pressed the buttons on my Play Station controller.

"That's it, Eric." she says in an angry tone.

"What?" I protest innocently.

"I'm not doing all of the work anymore. You need to start helping me." she demands.

"But you're so good at doing all the work, Ali-gator." she hated it when I called her that. Right on cue, she narrows her eyes at me.

"Don't call me that." she snaps. Then she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "If I do all the work, how are you going to learn anything?"

I shrug my shoulders and return to my video game. She stands in front of the television.

I lean my head every way to try and see past her and finally find an opening. She puts her hands on her hips as she glowers at me.

"That's it." she yells and pulls the cord out of the wall. The tv screen goes black.

"HEY!" I shout and stand up.

"You're going to do your own homework from now on. I'll help you with it and I'll still help on partner projects, but you are going to do some of the work." she tells me.

I sigh, deflated. "Okay..." 

I still do my own homework to this day. I chuckle, remembering.

Then came the day when I asked her who she liked and she lied and said it was me. That was when I realized that I had a big crush on her.

After that harmless prank, the frenemy-ship became an all-out war. We fought relentlessly and often pulled pranks on each other that we got punished for later. I'm not going to list all of them, because that could be an entire novel.

Some of them weren't very nice though. Two years ago, we matured enough to realize that pulling pranks on each other to 'get even' would only result in something going way wrong. That's when we became the best friends we were and still are today. We told each other everything and she knew about my mother drinking and not really being there for me. I knew that her dad had run out on her mom when he found out she was pregnant. I knew that it was the reason she had a hard time letting people in. She quickly figured out that whenever I was worrying about something, I often ran my fingers through my hair and I learned that she didn't keep her opinions hidden at all. So when she worried, the whole world knew about it.

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