Raspberry Chocolate Apologies

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♥My Best Frenemy Forever


I pushed her on the swing, making her leave the ground a little. "So what's wrong?" I prod as she comes back again.

"Nothing," she lies quickly. I don't understand why she thinks she can do that. I know her way too well for that.

"Really?" I inquire.

She sighs petulantly. "Fine. I was thinking about whether or not to buy you a Christmas present. I wasn't sure since we were fighting." her ice blue eyes look me up and down.

"What were you worrying about?" she says, a smirk on her face. Which is when I remembered that I hadn't brushed my hair before coming here. Damn, she misses nothing.

"Pfft, I wasn't worrying." I shrug my shoulders a little and push her again.

"Your hair says different." she points out.

"I was actually thinking about the best way to apologize." I admit sheepishly.

"Which would be how?" she asks.

"It was between buying you chocolate and just saying I was sorry." she rolls her eyes at me.

"Which one did you decide on?" I fish out a box from my pocket and hand it to her.

"Mmm, you bought me raspberry filled chocolate." I give her a half-smile. She pushes a small piece in her mouth before closing her eyes."Mmmm," she murmurs.

"I'm sorry, Ali. I was a dick and I shouldn't have gotten so upset." I say. She looks at me, deliberating.

Then, she hands me a piece of her chocolate. "You're lucky that my life was a living hell without you." she mutters before standing up and hugging me. I hug her back and inhale the sweet strawberry smell of her hair.

Her phone buzzes and she pulls it out to look at the text. "Ugh, I'm sorry. My mom says dinner's almost ready. I gotta go." I smile slightly at her dismayed expression.

"No problem. See ya later." I kiss her on her forehead before she walks away. As she walks, she looks back at me with her little half-smile and I see a light pink blush creeping onto her cheeks.

After a long walk home, I unlocked my front door and slammed it shut behind me. I sauntered over to the couch and plopped down on it with a deep sigh. Well, that was over with. I didn't have to worry about never seeing Ali again anymore. I was beyond relieved when she forgave me. I thought it would take a billion boxes of raspberry chocolate and me begging on my knees before she gave in. I flicked on the tv and through the channels until I came to something worth watching. I was sprawled out on the sofa when I felt a cold rush of air waft over me. I glanced over to see who was walking in and noticed it was just my mom. She stumbled through the door way and I put my head back down, sort of ashamed. It was nothing new; she was always drunk or high when she got home. You'd think since she's my mother that she would be a better influence but out of the two of us, I think I'm the more mature one. It was the same routine every night; she'd come home in a crabby mood from the alcohol and snap at me until I did whatever it was she wanted. And if I didn't... Well, let's just say that only happened when I was ten and didn't know any better. I learned my lesson pretty quick though. 

"Eric," she rasped.

"Yeah, Mom?" I answered.

"Make supper. Wake me up when it's ready." she said, walking off into a side bedroom that wasn't even hers. I switched off the tv and stood up, stretching. I whistled as I walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.

I almost groaned when I saw what was in there. "Mom, I'm going to the grocery store!" I called and I didn't get a response so I grabbed the keys and walked out the door.

I started up the car and turned on the radio because it was just too quiet without someone sitting next to me. I turned the dial to change the radio station because some stupid classical station was on and I just didn't listen to that kind of stuff. That's when I heard the intro to Thirft Shop by Macklemore come through the static and I put my hand back on the wheel.

"I'm gonna pop some tags only got twenty dollars in my pocket. I'm- I'ma huntin', looking for a come-up. This is fucking awesome." I bellowed. The rap part made me laugh my ass off every time and then I heard my favorite part:

I wear your grand dad's clothes.

I look in-cred-ible.

I'm in that big-ass coat

From that Thrift Shop down the road.

I finally reached the store after hearing Whistle by Flo Rida. I belted out the whole thing too. If Ali had been here with me, she'd have been laughing. I shoved my hands in my pocket as I walked across the cold parking lot and into the grocery store. I took a basket and began weaving through the aisles quickly, grabbing the things I needed to make my mother and me a satisfactory dinner. Once I was done, I walked up to the cash register and waited for the girl to ring me up. She had dark, choppy hair cut down to her shoulders and silvery blue eyes that were rimmed with black eyeliner and mascara. I took notice that she had a nose piercing and I can't say I'd be surprised if she didn't have her tongue pierced or something like that too. 

She glanced up at me and then I had her full attention. "Hey, I'm Amanda. How's your night going?" she asked in a fake sweet voice.

"Fine, how's yours?" I asked, trying to be polite.

"It was suck-ish until about right now." she batted her eyelashes. I had to stop myself from cringing. I'm sure she was nice and all but any girl that used the term 'suck-ish' was not my type.

"Oh, cool." I deadpan and she grimaces at my lack of interest.

"You know, you're really cute." she tries again.

"Thanks," I say awkwardly and notice she's pretty much done. "I'm sure you would be really cute too if you weren't trying so hard." I mutter and she glares at me.

"Your total is thirty-five dollars and seventy-two cents." I hand her two twenties and tell her to keep the change. I carry my bags out to the car and drive home.

"Mom! Dinner's ready!" I yell from the kitchen. I make her a plate and set it at her usual spot at the table. She shuffles out into the kitchen, squinting her eyes at the 'bright light'.

She examines the food I made and then takes an experimental bite. "It's good. Thank you, Eric." she says as though it's a big surprise that I can cook.

"You're welcome." I sigh.

After my mom's finished with her food, rather than waiting for me to be done to do the dishes like any normal mother, she leaves her plate on the table and stalks back into her room like the ungrateful person she is. I scrape the last of my food on to my fork and eat it before grabbing my mom's and my plate to do the dishes.

When I put the now-clean dishes away, I ran a hand through my hair and looked up at the ceiling. I was beyond tired but I felt like I couldn't sleep. My phone vibrated in my quiet and I took it out to look.

I can't sleep... :/  Do you want to go somewhere?

I smiled before replying;

Does the diner sound good? We could have a snack. I'll buy. 

♥My Best Frenemy Forever

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