I Should've Known

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♥♥♥My Best Frenemy Forever♥♥♥

"And then there's the Harry Potter ending... J. K. Rowling did the best job with that." Matthew says enthusiastically. I glance over at him from my side of the table. He looks so happy.

"Uh, yeah, that was great." I agreed even though I had never read a word of Harry Potter.

He looked at me weirdly for a second. "Wait, have you even read those books?" he asks skeptically. I look down and take a sip of my soda to avoid talking. "How have you not read Harry Potter? That's one of the best book series ever!"

I shrug my shoulders. "What books have you read?" he asks curiously.

"Hm, well I read the Scarlet Letter. And Romeo and Juliet... And uh, Pride and Prejudice." I try. I have read those books but only because it was mandatory.

"But we had to read those in English class. That doesn't count." he says.

I bite my lip. "You don't like reading." he breathes in astonishment. "How do you not like to read?" he asks.

"I don't know... I guess I'm just not creative enough to conjure a good mental image to enjoy it."

Now that I think about it, this is where I should've said that he was a nice guy but we probably wouldn't work because we were too different.

After we finished our meal, we took a walk through the park. The moonlight danced along the water in the pond and the streetlights made a slight glow on the pavement. We walk in comfortable silence until we reach a large willow tree and a bench overlooking the park. "Would you like to sit?" Matthew asks quietly and I nod my head, carefully sitting down. I gaze up at the moon and the stars before looking back at Matthew.

"This is beautiful. Thank you, Matthew." I say with a small smile on my face.

He smiles back at me. "You're welcome, Ali." there's a few minutes of silence before Matthew clears his throat. "I meant what I wrote to you on Facebook. I really do like you, Alison." he says sincerely.

"I like you too, Matthew." I smile back at him, politely. Something didn't feel right but I ignored it, choosing to enjoy this picture-perfect moment.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks me in a vulnerable voice.

"Yes, I will." he gives me an amazing smile. Then, he leans in, giving me a kiss. I kiss back automatically and he caresses my cheek.

♥♥♥Three Months Later♥♥♥

"What's he doing here?" Eric asks grumpily as he sits down across from me at lunch. I glower at him.

"Matthew is my boyfriend. Therefore, he sits with me at lunch." I say pointedly and Matthew glances at Eric's and my expression. I think he can feel the fight beginning because he speaks up.

"Uh, that's okay, Alison. I can go sit somewhere else if it's a problem." I look over at him, my glare melting into a slight smile.

"It's not a problem; right, Eric?" I assure him, daring Eric to disagree with me.

"Nope, not at all." he grumbles, obviously still upset. Matthew hesitates but then sort of shrugs it off. The rest of our lunch is very quiet.

I don't see Eric for the rest of the day until the last bell rings. "Do you need a ride home?" he asks, falling into step beside me.

"Uh," I look around for Matthew but don't see him anywhere. "Yeah, thanks." I say, walking out the door with Eric.

I can feel the tension emanating from Eric during our car ride. I know the only reason he offered was because he knew I didn't have a car and because he was my friend.

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