A Big Blur

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♥♥♥MBest Frenemy Forever♥♥♥

Where am I? Who is holding me?

Oh, it's just Eric. And we're in his room. But why and how did I get here? I tried to remember what happened last night but the last thing I could recall was Eric whispering "You look beautiful." in my ear when we were in his car... Getting ready to go to the-- oh shit. 

"Eric," I hiss. Light snore. "Eric!" I say a little louder. I look down and realize I'm wearing his t-shirt. How the hell did that happen? We didn't do that last night, did we? My eyes widened in horror. What was I going to do if we did? Tell him that it was a big mistake? That he was my best frenemy and that I would never want him like that?

He's a player, you're not going to hurt his feelings with that! I chide myself. I scramble away from him, grabbing his pillow. I throw it at him."ERIC!" His eyes flutter open.

"What?" he mutters groggily.

"Did we....?" I trail off, not wanting to say it. He scrunches up his nose.

"What? No! We did not. I might've been a little drunk but not that drunk!" he says in what I can only assume is disgust. My lip quivers a little bit that he was so repulsed by the idea. But I pull myself together and remind myself gently that I didn't want him that way either.

"Do you remember what did happen last night?" I ask.

He puts his hand on his forehead. "I think you kissed me." he says in an unsure voice. I cringe. Why?

"I gotta go home." I murmur, more to myself than him. Then I look down at myself. "Where are my clothes?" 

He looks around for a minute and hands me my clothes from last night. "Thanks. Um, close your eyes." I say awkwardly.

"You act like I haven't seen what you have before." he rolls his eyes.

"You might've seen Louisa's and a whole list of other girls but you haven't seen me and I'd like to keep it that way." I snap.

"Fine, chill." he says and squeezes his eyes shut.

"If you look, I'll know." I warn.

"How will you know?"

"Because I'm a ninja." I say.

"Liar." he laughs.

"No, I'm dead serious."

"Sure, sure."

"Whatever. Keep your eyes closed."

"What do you think I've been doing? You could've been done by now." he points out and I glare at him. "I can feel you burning a hole in me." he remarks with a small smirk on his face. I put on my outfit and tell him he can open his eyes.

"Bye," I say and start to leave.

"Wait." he calls almost lazily.

I turn. "Yes?"

"We didn't do our handshake, hoe!" I roll my eyes, feeling silly for thinking he might offer to drive me home. 

We do our handshake and I begin to leave again. "Hey,"

"What now?"

"Do you need a ride?" On the inside, I'm smiling.

"Nah, I can walk." I shrug.

"Ali, you're not walking."

"I think I am." I giggle. He stands up and I realize that he's only wearing boxers. "Put some pants on, for the love of God." I groan.

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