Chapter 10

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~Skipped a few months ahead~

*Merries pov*

Our wedding day was getting closer, each day that passes I ticked one off my calendar and counted how many days were left till the 18th of August. Today: 77 days!

As of most mornings for the past few months I woke up alone in bed. Dougie had to be in the studio or in interviews at ridiculously early times in the morning. I didn't mind it though, it meant i could get on with my day and get stuff done without getting distracted by Dougie.

After my morning shower i hopped into my favourite green jumpsuit and black toms before heading into town to go to the florist. It was a reasonable time on a Monday but it seemed as though there were few people, i was worried about being caught up in the Monday morning work rush but town was pretty silent considering the time.

i got to the florist, the petite bell ringing as i opened the door and a waft of flowers mix together filled my nostrils.

"Good morning" An eldish man greeted from behind the counter where he was tying a bunch of daffodils together.

"Morning" I smile back.

"Can I help you with anything?" He sets the bouquet he just finned into a vase of water in the shop window.

I nod and walk towards his desk, "I was hoping you could help me out with my bouquets, for my wedding. You see we have the decoration flowers for the tables and around the room but I wanted something different for my and my bridesmaids bouquets"

"Okay, what type of flowers have you used for decoration?"

I pulled out a photograph of the flowers from my bag, "they're white lilies with purple magnolias"

"Interesting mix" he chuckled, studying the photo carefully.

"That's what my fiancée said" I sighed with a laughed,

"So did he have any say in it?" He gave me back the photo and headed back around the counter. pulling a large book from beneath it.

"No, he's not really bothered by what's going on"

The man paused, looking me in the eyes. "now was that something he said, or have you assumed that?"

I was taken back by the question, but I did have to think about it. honestly I never asked what Dougie wanted, it was more like I wanted it and so it would happen. it's not like he ever said anything.. nor did he ever say he didn't like anything..

"Well he's always liked what I've picked out.. never complained. but it's not like if he didn't like something I'd ignore him and make us have it!"

"Might that have been because he didn't want to upset you or stress you more?"

I didn't want to be rude the the old man but I was getting frustrated at his assumptions.

"Look I know my fiancée like the back of my hand, I would know if he didn't like something. so I'm sorry if this comes across rude but I have more things I need to get on with today and I really need to get these flowers sorted"

"Yes, you're right. so we're you thinking of sticking with the White and purple theme?"


After an hour of being in the florists, I had finally sorted out my bouquet as well as my two bridesmaids and flower girl. I was having a deep purple teardrop rose bouquet with white pearls in the centre of each flower. Amy, Dougies cousin Jazzie, and my little niece Tash were having Posies in white roses and deep purple pearls in the centre.

My Little Star Girl ||Dougie Poynter||Where stories live. Discover now